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How does one go about making friends? I've been nearly friendless my entire life. As a kid I had this small group of "nerds" I'd sometimes hang out with but I rarely did anything with them. closed-eyes I'm very socially stunted. I'm not shy or afraid however.

Speaking to normalfags gives me no joy whatsoever. I find it extremely taxing and frankly tiring. I just wanna meet people I can talk to about vidya gaemz, animoo and really anything else and have them reciprocate. I went to a convention this past February, but everyone just had a place to be and so I never made much conversation.

I'm kind of jealous of people who simply exist and belonging and friendship just happens to them naturally. It's like the entire world's a puzzle an exam that everyone else's finished but I'm still in the exam hall 2 hours later.

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too long, didn't read. I can be your friend but you seem picky so I am expecting you will not accept.
What country are you from? WE could be friends in real life.
r u rtardd?
are you a girl? if not I'm not interested. I've never had any friends either but I don't want any, I want a wife to fill with cum everyday.
At least you're self aware. Most guys that want a sex slave instead of a girlfriend end up dying alone while being sexually frustrated all their life. You might actually raep someone before you die.
I don't think I am
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Well nowadayz its bretty hard ~desu~ I remember making friends in school and such... I made friends on teh net who lived half across teh planet... But almost all communities wherein I used to frequent are dead/nonexistant.cry
Regarding conventions... It used to be like you searched 4 peeps you wanna go with on teh net. But I'm an otokonoko so folks are naturally interestednyaoo
I just meet a couple of folks b/c I improved my aesthetics recently. I'm an 30+ aspie BTW... What can I say? Wörk on yourself and folks will notice you most. Normalfags are a waste if time and genki tho'
im a 18 assburger with not a single irl friend too ( ´,_ゝ`)
I just want a fren to discuss VNs vidya and animu with or something cry
I don't know how it's going in the US since I haven't been there b4 COVID.
Sry 4 late reply...sad
Hope everything goes well... Remember to keep a positive spirit since nobody's gonna like a negative Nancy. Much lovewink
I don't know how it's going in the US since I haven't been there b4 COVID.
Sry 4 late reply...sad
Hope everything goes well... Remember to keep a positive spirit since nobody's gonna like a negative Nancy. Much lovewink

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