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i read a little bit of berserk and fell in love with it, but my brother said casca looks 12 here
i wonder how long it took miura to draw 1 panel, it's crazy good

on an unrelated note the dovegirl comic is progressing believe it or not, you know what they say, third time's the charm!

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Imagine how dark his imagination has to be - he must truly wanted to wish to raep teh idolgirlz! That said - he's a genius! biggrin

If you look at his weekly scedule - he has to be drawing non stop for years and years. He's a legend.
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Here it is!
this panel in particular reminded me of a comic about the rapehorse
the one where he says "you must be thinking 'who is the rapehorse? is he gonna rape me?', the answer is YES"
im not sure how to read this chart, what is o and z and the numbers? i have a vague recollection of a drawing he made when he was 12 and it's better than anything ive ever done, truly a genius
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It has been long time since I read it that I don't remember anything else than loeving it and Guts being k00l sweat2
Anyways, draw sum Schierke pr0nz like Miura-sensei probably did and fapped to in private!
im only on chapter 160 this better not be a spoiler angry
>draw sum Schierke pr0nz
first and foremost i need my skillz to be a carbon copy of miura (impossible), then everything i make will be super cool
draw anon, i'm begging you, please learn more about line weight... all of your sketches feel so stiff dark
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i have no idea what that is but i will learn about it!
I'll probably be banned again for saying this but nearly all ur drawings suck....

pls ban this fellow
he is the same guy who called tomoko "shit waifu" and told random poster to "kys" the other day
It's not like criticisms or being rude is banned here, but B& him a while for trying to force his anger onto Heyuri and trying to drive an OC producer away
it basically means, varying the thickness of your lines. it can help your drawings feel more balanced and more interesting to look at! another thing: i can tell you are doing lineart by tracing over a sketch layer, and a suprising amount of detail can get lost in if you are too meticulous with getting all the lines perfect and smooth. don't be afraid to refine the drawing directly on the sketch layer, instead of creating a new layer to make "the perfect final version of the drawing i just made". it takes a lot of erasing but i think it's worth it overall biggrin

as a fellow artist, i am not trying to be mean, i want to push others to improve... foruda
I respect your commitment to drawing when you've just started getting into it. At least, I think you said that a few threads ago.
I'm not good at drawing myself, so it's impressive to see you're still going at it. Keep doing it! ヽ(´∇`)ノ
do you mean i should draw on the sketch layer and then delete all the construction lines? i will try that next time and see how it turns out
i also watched a video on line weight and will try to replicate what i saw
>i am not trying to be mean
your advice is getting me one step closer to being "literally miura®", you weren't mean, in fact, you deserve a loli for it (or a shota, idk which you prefer)
i dont remember saying that, if i did i apologize
i've actually been drawing for 7 years now
maybe i said i improved the most just recently? because that's true, i drew very crooked and ugly characters for at least 5 years closed-eyes2
i appreciate your art and the contribution you give to this fun website, proud of you :))!! biggrin

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