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Does anyone else emulate World of Warcraft for solo play?
I have this 3.3.5a AzerothCore server with a few custom modules, including playerbots. I walk around the world, exploring and doing quests with my party of playerbots and I pretend they're real people and my friends.

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That sounds lonely sad Don't you have any friends... internet friends, you could invite? How about us, would you invite some Heyurizens to your server, anon? wink
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i-i want to play WoW with you anon... blush
>would you invite some Heyurizens to your server, anon?
c'mon OP, let us in!(・∀・)
very cool
haha this thread is funny. OP why not play with real people?
I'm not OP but if the playerbots are scripted to do stuff like move out of enemy AoEs and not go AFK forever in the middle of dungeons/raids then they're smarter than 95% of real WoW players. How smart are the playerbots OP?
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To be honest it sounds like a good time. I've never played WoW beyond the trial period but I'd do this with other MMORPGs if I could. It would be fun to play Lineage 2, Rift, Guild Wars, Anarchy Online, Aion or something old by myself. I already solo MMORPGs but having my own little gated world to myself would be nice.
I never played WoW before but I would play with fellow heyurizens.

I play FFXIV! I play the game solo (not in a free company and don't talk or interact beyond the bare minimum in instanced content) but even so, I can't imagine playing without other players on the map. I'd need to employ HAX or playerbots like you use in order to progress as just about everything is gated behind clearing instanced content. Though the canon does often call for the game's hero to be an individual who saves the world single-handedly, not a group, so I guess it'd be a more authentic story experience that way?

For me, it needs to feel like a living, breathing world; even if I'm mostly isolating myself within it, it's nice to feel like I have the option to stop doing that. Plus my inner voyeur enjoys creeping on people's conversations in the hub cities. Who knows, maybe some of them are hot girls IRL ( ´ω`)
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While I think this sounds awesome, and kind of get interesting to try it out. I still feel it would be a shame, as a teh great thing about mmorpgs - are after all - teh players. And this comes from someone that played endless 8 of time as a solo player for decades.

Playing alone - and just observing others is what's fun of it. And grinding for gear or XP - is also - a shame, as you haev nothing to "brag / show off" too if happend you got any rare items. This alone, never maed me fall in luv with others games such as Skyrim etc - as XP felt as a waste.
If OP won't open teh server then I can host it. Love the idea of WoW with heyurians! biggrin
Sounds kind of lonely, but if you enjoy it that way more power to you. I love early Blizzard RTS games but I got into them late and thus never played WoW. Don't think I'd want to play it or any MMoRPG either because they require so much time and I already have trouble fitting in all my hobbies and interests. A single-player Warcraft RPG in the style of an Elder Scrolls game would be ideal for me, but not by nu-Blizzard.
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Seconding the idea of playing on a WoW server. Especially if we all make a guild and take our clothes off.

...That's how you're supposed to play World of Warcraft, right? unsure
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Opening the server up to Heyuri does sound interesting... but is outside of my capabilities. You see, my server is only up when I'm on my computer and I want to play WoW. Meaning that, when I'm at work or sleeping, the server is shut down.
If I were to open the server up, I would need a dedicated server machine, and I have no such thing.
The playerbots are retarded at times, but they can be unretarded with the use of some admin commands. They are scripted for some specific raid and dungeon encounters, so they do act as they should in accordance to the game mechanics.
Playing alone on my own server means that I can play at my own pace. I needn't worry about being offline for a few weeks or months for, er, whatever reason. Furthermore, the prospect of there being other, real people around me, somewhat scares me. They are real human beings who can form real opinions of me. I don't like that.
Okay then I can host it. What modules do u recommend outside playerbots?
This is what I'm currently running. Do keep in mind that most of these are chosen for solo play in mind--though they do work pretty nicely on low population servers, too.
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Haha oopsie-daisy, forgot the image.
For now I set it up without modules but I will add them later, thx!

Here is the registration page. Instructions to join are on it too.

I use this client
Also I'm playing the horde.
Woah, awesome. I'm going to sleep now, but I'll check the server out tomorrow.
playing ASAP
i never played WoW of my life. So u register on the website, install the client, and thats it?
Yes but remember to change the realmlist file to
set realmlist wow.kirakishou.com
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This is the WoW experience I signed up for! ヽ(´∇`)ノ
both G.I.R.L.s
Of course! dance dance2
Guys pls schedule an hour so we can plau together!
Im gonna dl the client now...
alright, what do u guys say about 24 hours from NOW?
I started as a gnome, will I be able to find other Heyurizens easily??
I'll be there!
they are all playing horde, I'm not sure if any are playing alliance.
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I choosed to play as a gnome because I wanted to play as a cute loli emo
I didn't play that much so it's fine, though, I'll make a new characterdance
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that gnome doesn't look anything like やすな anyway so nothing of value was lost
If you can, adding this module could be neat.
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I've been using https://legacy-wow.com/wotlk-addons/quest-helper/ to help with questing

I dunno if it's teh best of its kind or not, but it's useful!
client download failed cry 2 hours moar 2 wait
when were u guys planning to play??
Use teh magnet download. I can play in 3-4hrs.
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are these files important?
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come here guys ヽ(´ー`)ノ
late to this, im downloadin teh client now cry
Is someone still going to join today? We are all in blood elf starting zone.
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Oishi! drool
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Long live the LOL Brigade!
Looks fun, shame I don't really have time to join nowadays sad Maybe in a couple of weeks, if it's still up

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