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  • 2024/04/26 - Neomenu came back from 2021
  • 2024/04/26 - Museum@Heyuri has been launched
  • 2024/02/27 - Anime nominations and their votings will be held on this table from now on.
  • 2024/01/29 - Try out some extra CSS files: Link

There is a townhall this Saturday @ 18:00 UTC [Info] [Countdown]

Want your site's banner shown here too? Read this thread and contact me.

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As you read in the newspost, we're looking for volunteer users to help us with moderation and cleaning up spam. If you are interested for the position please briefly write about your relation with Heyuri, longposts are welcome but not really a requirement - few sentences would work fine if you believe so. Note that we will also look for your other posts on the boards while electing.

There are no requirements, but you'd need to somehow provide me a private contact. In the worse situation, Off-Topic's trip-based mail would work too, so don't worry if you don't want to have any presence on Dicksword/IRC/XMPP/whatever wink
Hello, i've been on Heyuri since early december 2022. Since then i've been on all cytube streams and the gikopoi townhall.
Pretty much since day 2 i've visited the site frequently, multiple times per day and would encounter the CP spam on /b/ or advertisements on /lounge/ (ever since the captcha was disabled) pretty often. Sometimes they'd even stay up for hours - likely just due to both mods not being available.
My point is that having a 3rd moderator could help with this issue, because even if our timezones may be the same (UTC+2 here), just having one more mod online would benefit a lot.
I am not a NEET, but i'm usually available for most of the day. Contact me using the tripcode pm system.
I also forgot to mention that i've posted anonymously a lot and rarely use this trip, but i assume that you'd know that anyway shii
I've been here since about fall of last year. Whenever I have time, I like to post and make OC if any ideas come my way. I like it here, and I hope it can stay up a while longer. Can't say I have any experience with moderating, but if komeo chooses to tackle the CP spam, then I guess I don't really have an elevator pitch outside of helping in sweeping it and other spam up whenever possible. If it helps, my timezone is (UTC -9), so I can be active whenever the rest of staff is offline (which I noticed tends to happen when I jump on Heyuri).

This is the first time I've used a trip at all, so you can also contact me with the pm system. I don't really have an email I'd be ok with giving out, or a dicksword for that matter, so this will have to do. ┐(゚~゚)┌
I was planing to contact master-sama on the sidedish, but here's my visit card. Please accept! *bows* blush

Hello Kagunyaa~~

It’s me, in person, writing a personal blogspot, but this time as pez - and about why I wanna be part of the Heyuri community as an moderator.

I thought for a bit why I wanna be a moderator, and it’s pretty clear. I want Heyuri to be the place to be - and with that said, I want it to stay guarded from the newer web and be symbolized as with the older anime otaku community that was back in the earlier days. I truly hold values of 2000 era anime and I am a pretty hardcore anime nerd for a decade+.

Seeing the change of the internet is a bit… sad, but not much can be said other than it is what it is. I joined back in winter 2022, so I will always be a NewYuri forever, and that’s a fact I can be proud of. It was a blessing of a kind, as all other imageboards has lost its charm and focus to much of things or debate I no longer care about. Too much fuss about that or this. I wanna note I’ve zero interest in politics or stupid drama. 

As of Heyuri, I love its focus on fun and its relaxed atmosphere. This is also one of the reason I wanna be a moderator, to correct lightly and friendly in a way that everyone is having a good time. And that is also the same reason why I use Heyuri. I think everyone would be happier if they didn’t take internet too serious! Relax and post nekos :3

I wish Heyuri to be as it is - or, to be honest, it could be a lot better than it is. It’s not perfect, and it’s lacking in quality time to time. A strong community has strong OC, and that’s something we all should work towards in some way. I love the idea of NewYuri instead of newfag. I do dislike seeing too much pr0n - but not against it. I would more than anything love to see a doujing threads. Etc etc….. What matter is activity is going and it feels alive. I’m an active user and feel as I reply in almost every single thread in some way. Heyuri is also the only board I use these days.

I hope this was long enough for you. nyaoo
My discord is: Sneederman555#6176
I'm mostly a lurker: I've probably made five posts. If I'm made moderator, I'll study the rules carefully, and only only give bans to people who deserve it.
4chan /v/ is probably going to be more to your liking, not sure if they're in need of jannies right now
never used a tripcode before, but let's try it out.
I've been on Heyuri since New Year's and I've come to like it a lot; it's a very whimsical place in an increasingly serious and unfunny interwebz.
I only really want to be a mod so I can clean up CP spam, since I feel like too much of a newbie for me to decide which posts are banworthy or not. I'll leave that kind of judgment up to the oldfags smile
I needed a username and I chose Sneederman. I've had discord for several years and have probably spent only five hours on it. I don't post Sneed on Heyuri.
Also, janitor applications on 4chan are purely for show, like elections. The mods elect their friends as jannies.
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Vote for me and i will make sure with all my power to bring nothing and do nothing for this board! x3
>have probably spent only five hours on it
>I've probably made five posts
So, what do you do then, exactly? Because it seems you don't do a lot.
Cheer up, emo kid! emo
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ive been on heyuri for some time and i came here originally from an s4s thread on 4chan
right now im working toward a computer science degree and want to get some experience with coding, so if thats ever needed maybe i could help with that too
im trying to learn japanese so i could help with that board in the future
and also, i think it would be cool if we occasionally did things that the 4chan mods do where we have a video playing in the background of a board or create funny stickies
oh, also, sorry for lack of posts on my ip, i use a proxy but as far as i can tell i havent done anything to break the rules other than the quote rule
>other than the quote rule
Hopefully you won't make the same mistake again, right?
it kind of seemed like something most people would miss, i wasnt making a greentext story or blogpost, it was more just out of being used to talking like im on 4chan
i learned my lesson though, im a good boy now
>i think it would be cool if we occasionally did things that the 4chan mods do where we have a video playing in the background of a board or create funny stickies
You really don't come here that often, do you happy
We've just had a sticky a few days ago (not the 50K one).
i think i noticed that, although ive been busy with a lot of things recently so havent really been on heyuri much, but i'll have a lot more freetime with summer coming up
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I joined Heyuri in July 2022 from a friend online. I haven't been too active as of late, but I still lurk, and have participated in past events like the last town hall, Iriya no Sora, and a little bit of Sensei no Ojikan (^Д^)

I wasn't there when the "good old days" were around. I will never be able to understand what it was like, nor how it felt, to be apart of the internet during those short years. We can not replicate the past, but that does not mean we can not make something else that can be looked back on with the same merit. I see Heyuri as this — I see this image board as a small corner of the internet which, albeit having it's own fair share of nuances, allows users from the around the world to communicate and create without the fears of the social landscape of today ( ´,_ゝ`)

I am only applying to see what it would be like to be a staff member. I have experienced the downfalls of communities, but I have not moderated in one. Regardless of what happens, I will still be here. I have linked my emails. Thanks ( ´ω`)
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I joined Heyuri in July 2022 from a friend online. I haven't been too active as of late, but I still lurk, and have participated in past events like the last town hall, Iriya no Sora, and a little bit of Sensei no Ojikan (^Д^)

I wasn't there when the "good old days" were around. I will never be able to understand what it was like, nor how it felt, to be apart of the internet during those short years. We can not replicate the past, but that does not mean we can not make something else that can be looked back on with the same merit. I see Heyuri as this — I see this image board as a small corner of the internet which, albeit having it's own fair share of nuances, allows users from the around the world to communicate and create without the fears of the social landscape of today ( ´,_ゝ`)

I am only applying to see what it would be like to be a staff member. I have experienced the downfalls of communities, but I have not moderated in one. Regardless of what happens, I will still be here. I have linked my emails. Thanks ( ´ω`)
oh no the post got duplicated Σ(;゚Д゚)
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i would also like to note that i've also put my username as morgan before. i think that's what i used the most as shown from the town hall screencap, but i must've forgot considering i used the name "mason" for the wiki... (´¬`)
For now I think it's good to hire komeo-san, yakuruto-san, pez-san, yoyo-san and mason-san
I'm hiring 5 people when I said I'd hire just 1-2, but this should be the best way to beat spam-kun

You must get another tripcode before I contact you, the one you are using has been cracked in the past.

Thanks for applying. I don't doubt your good intent, but it would be a bit controversial if you were moderating the boards

You can help growing 日本語@Heyuri and softwarez(kokonotsuba is open source, see credits at bottom of the page) without being a staff - Your help in other ways would still be appreciated!

Anyways, congrats for those who are hired!
I revised old administration's "Heyuri bible"(old version available on @ https://2ch.sh/src/813.pdf for your LOLs) for staff:
I will contact you to for password stuff now.
Thank you Kaguya, - and mod-sama!

I will do my best to protect our kingdom from spam-kun.

Also - Congratulations to my new and fellow moderator friends! biggrin
it's been cracked in the past? I just made it for this thread! sweat I don't really get how tripcodes work, but how about this one?
i should without no doubt change xd
Just like pez i want to congratulate everyone else that got elected and thank Kaguya for choosing me ヽ(´∇`)ノ
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Again, thanks everyone for applying nyaoo

Secure tripcodes can't be used for trip-based PM thing xd

By the way, in case you get confused, here is how your PM should look like while sending.
will this work then?? nyaoo2
Yeah it werks, I'm waiting for your replies back now

You check your mails by Off-Topic's [Inbox] at top right
sent! thank you for having me on the team; let's all try to keep Heyuri cool cool
Sorry for late reply, but I didn't get it. I don't see it on log file either "glare:
Maybe you clicked "Submit" once but forgot to verify it(click for the second tiem)?
I think there's value in hiring people from different areas of the world, or at least have different activity times. If all the mods are from America and only work during the daytime then half the time the site is basically being unmoderated. If this is an issue in the next few months I'll apply because I'm moving to Asia soon
Although don't rely on me eventually applying, I'm not sure how busy I will be there and the government is known for turning the internet off whenever something bad happens sweat2
I'm not american キタ━━━(・∀・)━━━!!
I fell asleep, soz... (´¬`)

Thanks for having me on the team, chief. I won't let you down. ヽ(´∇`)ノ
no sleeping on work!!! angry
I got the email ( ´ω`)
Is there a place where mods talk to each-other for feedback on moderation? I've only used IRC a handful of times.
kagunyaa~~ said it wasn't, however we are free to use IRC & together with everyone else who wannts to join in.
You mean the main heyuri IRC? I need to figure that out again, since last time my computer borked up and I couldn't figure it out (;´Д`)
yes, the irc were everyone who wants to join is allowed. Sadly i only joined once and would also need a refresher on this.

We also are allowed to discuss among ourself on /q/ if we are uncertain if a post is against the rules.

I recommend using dickboard and turn notifications, as it ping as soon a new post is made. (I like this feuture a lot).
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Aye aye, cap'n. I'm off to man my battle station. (^-^)ゝ

On another note, I can't seem to select any other mail in my inbox. Is there a way to do that (and is there an outbox?)

Never used IRC before, but I'm willing to set it up to communicate with the rest of you.
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use #PW to login and read msg.
PM is under different "tab".
I've done that, it just shows only one message (seemingly the most recent one). What I was wondering was if I could select older messages to read them (like how one would with a regular email inbox).
im not sure, but it says: Messages in the last 10 days
!x1yMC5lu4g has received 1 message, and !jBZFWseyW. has received 2 messages - the list in >>63552 is a public list showing how many messages each trip has received, it's not a personal inbox list sweat2
I got the IRC hooked up! ヽ(´∇`)ノ
With this, I'm done adding everyone's logins for all boards biggrin

For communication, while there isn't anything blocking you/us from chatting with each other in private, I'd liek how we decide our policies to be transparent with non-staff users being able to intervene.

Also I second pez-san
>I recommend using dickboard and turn notifications
Here is the link to our dicksword: https://discord.gg/kQ5DuSsBn2 (this is also useful for other users to be able to immediately reply to newly created threads)
the only bad things i hate with dicksw0erd is the damn notifaction sound itself. Gonna see if i can change it to something else!
are mods able to ban? the "Fall in love with ME" spammer is probably deserving of one, as well as other spammers in the future
We can't ban.
The "fall in love with ME" thread that's up on /b/ right now was made by me as a joke and to find out whatever that phrase even means (as strange as that sounds).
got it, thanks
maybe you should had rephrased it a little better before i memed it with konata. sowwie. :3

But as i said - someone is trying to testing us?
Clearly this is to train us on our moderating p0werz..... STAY ALERT!!! Σ(;゚Д゚)
To be honest i thought the love emoji at the end would be enough smug
Well yeah, it could aswell be the big cat trying to test us. And well, it's good practice as i already learned from one of my misstakes on strange worlds.
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Deleted sum posts from the fall in love with ME thread. I think 49778-kun appreciates the attention we're giving him (;´Д`)
Probably just delete posts with any suspicious links. It's interesting to look at him talking to himself
Uhm, I'd like to join the moderation team. Please consider my application, I always clock in on time and I make the coffee extra bitter. So...I really like cute girls too, and I enjoyed the Genshiken stream, I want to partake or even plan more events like that in the future! foruda
is this thread still valid?
why isn't it deleted?
I will lock it

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