my opinion is that saying "silly" in a nu-internet sort of way should be considered a rule 8 violationMarked for deletion (Old)
Holy shit. You cannot seriously be suggesting that we ban the word "silly" just because people still use that word on the internet in 2024. This is actually getting ridiculous.
OP = silly
So silly :3It's a fun word to say, don't get your pantsu in a twist
I really hope this is satire
Maybe there is some truth in OP's post but so far it's really not overused, not many consider "silly" as a buzzword.There was a similar thread back when the tripfag invasion started.
>>65904"buzzword" is a buzzword!
ok sorry just forget i said anything
i actually do get what u are saying, OP. but from what i have seen on social media, people use "silly :3" to make people mad and not for the LOLs which is rule 8. i dont think people on here (mainly cosmo)'s intention to make people mad on purpose, and just like that word to describe things. i could be wrong tho i havent checked in a while ┐(゚~゚)┌tho that being said, if someone does use "silly :3" 2 make ppl mad on purpose they should get teh b&
>>65912People do it to make others mad?? I do it bcz it's a good way of getting my hyper fixation joy out into words without just key smashing
I never seen a person in heyuri saying sillyand if they did, there were too few to even consider it