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What's the average age of Heyurizens?

I'm 27 (´ー`)

Marked for deletion (Old)
im 19
a very creative and handsome 18 year old
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are you looking like this?
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No, I'm not a fag. And even if I were I'd be the cool kind, you know, like Aniki and other guys from gachimuchi, or maybe like Mishima, not like a crossdressing wimp like the one in ur pic dark
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Oh, also Chamberlain, I loved his part in the Shogun (the old one). He's a homosexual, apparently
Early 30s. Exact age is hi~mi~tsu~!😉

>not like a crossdressing wimp like the one in ur pic
Manly homos and girly homos are liek yin and yang - a spiritual 69. These are teh wisdoms gained from being 30+ ヽ(´ー`)ノ
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Girly homos should actually look good/pretty, that guy's super plain, ugly even, and we don't even see his face. I'd also feel unconfortable with that Jesus candle in the background closed-eyes2
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Homosexual thread?
bowie is no homo angry
you ever wonder why these femboys or whatever they're called never show their face? it's because they're all ugly, underdeveloped social rejects xd
>they're all ugly, underdeveloped social rejects
Kinda like us, except we're smart enough to not camwhore on tiktok or wherever that pic came from
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I am PENIS years old (meaning I am the same age in years that my PENIS is in inches)
so you're under 18
>Kinda like us, except we're smart enough to not camwhore
some of us at least sweat2
I was born on the day Touhou 6 was released
im 13 in hikikomori years cool
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the femboy thing has fuck all to do with femininitity. it has to do with indoors vs. outdoors. a femboy is just an indoorboy. the confusion comes from the fact that naturally indoor clothing, skirts and frills etc., are also part of womans clothing, and because the history of domestic labour associates women with the indoors. but a femboy is never in your house to serve as your maid, he's there to play videogames and waste time on the internet. this is also why femboy fishing was so interesting. fishing is meant to be an outdoorsy activity.
Is this a pasta? If so, it's not a very funny one sweat3
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Heyuri is forever in 2003/4, so you're a very little shota boy blush I mean, even in real life year someone born in 2002 is still basically a child
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Wow, this thread certainly is a rollercoaster dizzy
im 16
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Shotas? Where?! astonish
>> 164 KB
Heyuri – Loli & Shota Imageboard blush
around 20
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halo i,m 2920 day old rori
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I can legally drink and drive and have sex and shoot people and smoke
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Isn't this a vtuber?
Yuck dark
I'm 37 so I'm kinda on the older side, I suppose. ( ´,_ゝ`)
well, those of us dumb enough to camwhore aren't twinks..
i remember there was a poll and a majority were either like 18-23 or up to 27 or 30
so heyuri's a mix of those who missed old imageboard culture, at least pre-2014 culture and just younguns who want to bring that back despite not being a part of it
i respect your opinion more than anyone elses as of now

I will do my best to only provide you with wisdom. nagato
I'm 30 (still virgin).
gyahaha! douuteii! (^Д^)σ
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31 this year

>like Aniki and other guys from gachimuchi, or maybe like Mishima

Yep. I always thought that Mishima was first gachimuchi, even before gachimuchi.

I remember one night seeing a dream where I train at the same gym as Van.
I wake up with feeling like I should workout more and had feeling of energy through all of the morning.

I only read golden temple once.

I would be 24 this summer.

Must be neat having magick powers.
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Magic, duh rolleyes
I used to ask this question to myself thousands of times. My current answer that I am satisfied with is that segs is not even a real thing, but a completely made-up thing created by the so-called adult industry to gain an artificial demand to their products. The mechanism is simple:

1. you're being told (through media, advertisement, etc.) that you need segs
2. you actually start to want some
3. but you can't find any (since it doesn't exist at all), so you give up and buy lots of eroge and manga, etc.
4. ?????
5. PROFIT!!! (to the companies that make such things)

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