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awawawawawa >u<

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Why is this upscaled? Also you're a FAGGOT.
I am not!
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It's not upscaled, it's just crappy linework!
It seems like the artist mixes different sizes of pixel-art to maximize the level of lolzorz in his drawingz
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teh broke fingers
if only these existed IRL
I will find one
I don't like this artist.
I like this artist.
I'm not an expert on women (I'm a virgin) but I believe that it is not unusual for young women to get obsessed about handsome men their age and to extrapolate about whatever they're doing and saying
Anyone who's not popular will overthink everything that the people they're attracted to are doing and saying. Doesn't matter if you're a guy or a girl.
>> 95 KB
this shitty fake anime art style pisses me off to no end. it's clearly made to look like oekaki but has to be changed to suit the western image of anime which is just "draw a girl in a sailor uniform making a face".
picrel is actual oekaki that this pale imitation is trying to rip off. notice the detail and the fact that it's a real design posed in a certain way. the humorless text next to it doesn't do it any favors either
This website is shittier than 4chan because it attracts the same people that shit up that website (ie OP) and flood places with what they think will let them fit in, and it's all just meaningless aesthetics. Namefags and avatarfags on this website seem really drawn to the "aesthetics" of anime and imageboards and roleplay what they see from what other people say it's like and come here to seek attention. I think a Discord server needs to be put in place, solely to contain those people, almost like putting them in a casket and sending it down a river.

true, however this website is NOT shittier than 4chan!
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sorry i was having a bad day when i wrote this
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This dread of aesthetic imitation is just weak spirited. You can't acquire culture by applying a priori principles. You imitate, starting from the superficial aesthetics, and you go through a stage of childishness, and it might turn out that you misunderstood the meaning of the things you were repeating. But if you grow to appreciate the culture on a deeper level, it is because it chimes with something that was already within you. And this whole process of faking until making it allows for all sorts of revitalising creative variation.
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That's a lot of words to basically say nothing smart. Superficial understanding of "aesthetics" is a scourge of the modern internet and underageb& kids misunderstanding, appropriating and distorting the past is obviously a bad thing (and incredibly annoying). You can really see it among tumblr types, not only now, this shit started over a decade ago.
>You can't acquire culture by applying a priori principles
You can if you have a brain and put minimum of effort into it. I find you argument for people being adamantly wrong about easily researchable things to be pretty weak... speaking of weak
>This dread of aesthetic imitation is just weak spirited
Well, I guess everyone on Heyuri is weak spirited according to you, because in the last thread about "muh aesthetics" the OP was mocked to hell and back.
instead of just flinging shit at OP or whoever drew that you could recommend some better software or guides to help him improve, it doesn't look that bad.
One of smartest heyurizens biggrin
All of culture is inherently imitative. Rather, the issue may come whether you believe a certain piece or stream of culture is built off of superficial imitation
One of the dumbest Heyurizens
You're comparing a very talented artist's high effort art piece to a meme comic that someone made for fun. Trying to raise standards for OC leads to nothing but less OC. I'm not implying OP made that image, but the point stands.
The whole of internet culture comes from kids imitating Japan. That's even more true of the chan culture you're protective about than of tumblr culture. But it doesn't matter, because that imitation provided a healthy outline for it to develop its own kind of soul. And it can be good to make fun of kids a bit, it helps make them reflect on what they're actually doing, but if you have a spastic reaction to them existing, I think there has to be a gap somewhere in your own self awareness.
obviously, he didn't draw it
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lol what are you niggas arguing about?
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I don't get the anger. I just found a funny image and posted it.
I don't get the serious discussion. What's wrong with having a different style?
Whatever, I am never posting images again.
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Don't worry, i'll make sure to post images for you. Starting with this one
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if you had scaled it down then nobody would notice some of the pixels being different sizes and everybody would've liked it.
good luck!
I don't care about minor details
Now my screen is normal pictures. Boss saw my flandre pussy phone homescreen during summer job. She said nothing and pretended it did not happen until the end. Lolis are also prohibited here (;゚∀゚)
I don't care about you nyaoo2
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I will DESUtroy all of yous~~!!! desu
>> 66 KB
I don't care about ANYTHING!
I am darkness...
I am death...
we are all death.
>This website is shittier than 4chan because it attracts the same people that shit up that website
This is probably the most retarded thing I have ever read
I have created the perfect shitstorm... cool
Heyurizens are never coming back from this one!
truly, my suicide note will simply read “99749's fault.” 👻
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I will generate AI art of your imitation of his suicide note
>> 24 KB
pls... don't
>> 49 KB
>Superficial understanding of "aesthetics" is a scourge of the modern internet

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