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Thanks to Crunchyroll, Miku concerts have truly... evolved into something else. She is on a LED screen this year (´∇`)σ

It has came a long way since 2009~2023, when people seemingly liked watching some outworn technology called holograms evolve: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IdtL83aDFIs

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I only know her from the jashin-chan crossover. I'm not a fan of her robotic voice (゚血゚#)
the portland cattle don't seem to mind
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did the portland diaper maffia steal the hologram equipment?
Proof of what? It just sux that there are miku concerts without the main appeal of them, because a crappy company like crunchyroll. It's more of a scam dark
At least there seems to be already a backlash about it on other platforms
This is so lame with teh LEDs. I watched a lot of teh Holograph shows that they had before and thought it was awezum! Sadly it does feel as Miku is losing popularity? This is kind of a sign it does. But well, this is American.
proof that I actually went. Duh.
>without the main appeal
What are you talking about? The main appeal is hearing vocaloid songs on a stage with live music and a light show while miku and co. dance around. The hologram is definitely an important part, but it isn't the main draw. If you removed any of the things I mentioned NO ONE would attend.
Do you mean websites? If so then you're a massive faggot for using that phrase and should GTFO.

>it does feel as Miku is losing popularity
She has been since probably 2015. People have been saying the vocaloid scene is dying/dead for years now.
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>The hologram is definitely an important part, but it isn't the main draw
I think it's good as long as you had a good time but for many people it is the main draw. There had been miku concerts without light shows, this is I believe the first without the hologram rolleyes
It's just extra lame when the reason is being under-funded because of crunchyroll.

>Do you mean websites? If so then you're a massive faggot for using that phrase and should GTFO
I know what those words mean (though "places" was probably a better word), but you're being an angry fag yourself now. Being defensive about the concert is one thing, raeging to someone over that in such manner feels Rule 8 dark
Mind you, I've been maeking Miku threads on this board since 2020!

>She has been since probably 2015
I disagree with this too, it's just evolving into something else, which is only normal. I think last year's ラビットホール was the most popular miku song with over 3361 ten thousand views, and 強風オールバック got over 8785 ten thousand views on YT. Trends suggest Miku herself is more popular as it was around 2015 (there is a gap around 2016~2018 for some reason). Results differ depending on searching word, but it generally seems to be stable/on rise since 2018~
Well, I guess some people could the change in the scenery as "death" too. A lot of popular songs are more like a different flavor of J-pop, there are vocaloid songs just about this situation too... But this is another topic sweat2
>you had a good time
me and everyone else jumping around, singing, waving glowsticks, and whtaever else. Which was almost everyone.
>Rule 8
Have you read the rule? Me calling you out on your faggotry doesn't apply there.

And yes vocaloid popularity has its ups and downs, but we are definitely past the golden era
>doesn't apply there.
not him but he's referring to the "needlessly angry/argumentative posts" part dark
I am too
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>I think last year's ラビットホール was the most popular miku song with over 3361 ten thousand views, and 強風オールバック got over 8785 ten thousand views on YT
While I like these songs, they didn't become popular because they were vocaloid, but because the video had some viral aspect. In the case of rabbit hole the video exploded in popularity because artists started drawing the bunny miku design. I don't think vocaloid is dying, there a lot of good songs/albums coming out consistently, but I don't think these songs are a proof that vocaloid is thriving.
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>The hologram is definitely an important part, but it isn't the main draw.
It's the keystone. Yeah, you can't have a bridge with one stone, but that particular one is crucial.
You got swindled, but you don't want to feel bad about it. That's why you're defending this chicanery.
>I enjoyed the concert regardless of the screen
>no you didn't
stop being retarded or go hop on some other bandwagon

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