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this is so fucking badass
long live the emperor!

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shit everyone already knows about - the thread
did you know that japanese swords (katanas) are so strong you can fold them a thousand times and they won't break?
it's not very 'long live the emperor' when he was a part of a pro-US political group.
the socialists were trying to prevent the renewal of the JP-US security treaty which (allows the US to have military bases on japan)

you'd think ultranationalists would be for their complete independence, especially from someone who nuked them...
Japanese "ultranationalists" are spineless neocons who are nothing more than implanted NATO actors that think they're better off with the west than having solidarity with the east, the Japanese should take notes from the Great Karate Master Choi Bae-dal (known in Japan as Mas Oyama), and start beating invaders out of Okinawa.
japan, south korea, and the philippines would be better off siding with china or better yet forming their own pact than letting america rape their countries
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They should side with Russia. Japs love blonde lolis and Russians love anime.

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