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What genre of anime has teh strongest "otaku pull" - or, considers most nerdy? I would say its either Mecha, Idol or Maho Shōjo.

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I'd say, mahou shoujo, ones aimed for young girls
either that or old eroanime aimed for rorikon!~
Shoujo, Mecha
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that picture is... a holy diamond, a treasure, a sign of higher worth! nosebleed

Another note is that i would like to add that idol anime isn't as popular or widely loved here in teh west as it's in japan. Where it is - rather mainstream. Sadly there is no English realse of these games. I notice that u149 made a difference though. Miura was also known as a hardcore fan of idolmaster.

I think mecha has it's strong win as they also have gunplas!
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>couldnt find teh fullres ;_;.jpg
I think this is teh full res, though it's not much better
thx anyways, barely looking at it makes my tongue tingly. I want to join them and have both of their tongues inside my mouth. Aahhh!!! drool

>Another note is that i would like to add that idol anime isn't as popular or widely loved here in teh west as it's in japan
Unrelated to anime, the idol culture itself isn't big here. It seems none the idol culture was ever imported to the west, or at least not at a rate that I'd be aware of... Which is probably a good thing as there would be some annoying criticism for JS aidoru sweat2
>I think mecha has it's strong
If u made this thread in 80s, mecha & warplanes & spacehips & hueg machinery in general was the hawtness, so it would be the only answer
recently got into berserk and you gave me a mental image of guts cheering on idols lol
i've only seen evangelion and seeing all the machinery lock into place was strangely orgasmic and the technobabble was really cool too, i often imagine what any of that could mean in a real world
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maho shoujo for the lolis
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