is there a tag for this hand gesture? i love cocky brats~!!Marked for deletion (Old)
i hear "fufufu" whenever i see that gesture so try that
>cocky bratsnow that i think about it something like this would be better, maybe even just "brat"
Mesugaki (メスガキ) is the term to use for cocky female brats. Osugaki (オスガキ) is the male equivalentメスガキ/illustrations
>>128162me and my PENIS are well familiar with mesugaki tag but i wondered if that gesture has a dedicated name>>128165that seems to be the closest. thank you!
>but i wondered if that gesture has a dedicated name>i hear "fufufu" whenever i see that gesture so try thatOn Danbooru, it's tagged as ojou-sama_pose. Not sure if other sites use this tag, but I thought it rather fitting.