Anya is sleeping.Would you sneak into her room rape her while she's sleeping and record it /b/?Marked for deletion (Old)
she's ugly!
>>115405Nigga wut?
>>115407The small flat chested loli and big round ass go well together just look at pic related.
>>115408bottom heavy loli
I posted a while ago that my favorite type of angle is where the asshole isn't fully shown but there's just a slight fleshy opening to it while the cheeks themselves are closed, and lamented that there was such little of it and no tag. But now with this influx of kyojiri loli from western artists, they pretty much all do it (like in OP), and I'm in love.Such huffable, face-buryingly-finger-lickin-good asses I've been hoping for for so long. I hope they never stop making these.
>>115408sorry i dont quite get what you mean got any more examples?
i smell pizza
>>115408Well yea it solves the problem with lolis, that they look like there's nothing there to fuck.
>>115415Girls start puberty at 9-years old so you can pussy fuck them.
>>115410I know wat u mean
Also came across this while looking for kyojiri loli picsI'd like to invade her Constantinople if you know what I mean
since when was kaguya so... so...
Now it's Istanbul, not ConstantinopleBeen a long time gone, ConstantinopleNow it's Turkish delight on a moonlit nightEvery gal in ConstantinopleLives in Istanbul, not ConstantinopleSo if you've a date in ConstantinopleShe'll be waiting in Istanbul!
i would notmy mind has been warped from years of pron and now the only thing that excites me is lovingly kissing/holding/caressing and sexxorz
>>115424thats really hot
>>115422I want to break her walls with my Basilic gun!
>>115435I can relate
f0r u only!
>>115828Can I please get the icecream??? I even am using Heyuri! I just want some ice cream
>>115831Ha ha, nie dla psa!