since tanks are nowhere near their former glory and can be penetrated by even a few kilograms of explosive from drones, us gamers should use another word for tanking. shielding, sponging perhaps Marked for deletion (Old)
shielding, sponging perhaps
we're gonna make ur tank aspl0de
drone striking
>>114530come over, both holes for both girls are gonna be satisfied
>>114547What % dick by body mass ????
>>114616probably around 35-45% when hardi have questions though1. if dicks weigh so much then how hard of a spine she has to stand straight? it can cause damage at a young age2. if hard dick is pumped blood then how does she store so much blood?3. if hard dick is pumped blood then how big of a heart she has to pump the blood into the dick?cat youkai hide many secrets...
I think that we should replace tanks with giant flying space robots (preferably piloted by cute girls)
>>114625I want to die in glorious combat against Puru Two... (*´人`*)
>>114624Her hat must be an organ to store the excess blood pressure.
>>114680uhm, purus are for protecting...