A bunch of you talked me into buying a ticket to an anime convention while I was drunk last night. You also demanded pictures. Well I went, and got some. Not a lot though because I have crippling social anxiety and autism. I also met nobody and did not enjoy my time there. And couldn't afford anything nice.So now as requested I will dump some pictures ヽ(´ー`)ノMarked for deletion (Old)
This is part of a big wall people could write on. I was going to capture the whole thing, but they took it down before I could. This image was taken when people were in front of it writing on other parts.
post post post!
This is the only person I got a picture of, because a kigu is like not a real human, so it was okay to talk to. Did not speak either, very kawaii. However she moved against me for a picture meaning I had to be in it, totally ruining it.
It's technically supposed to be not only an anime convention, even though it's 99% weebs and maybe 1% furries, so they had some things like this.
They had a cosplay competition and this is everyone who competed taking a group picture, I'm sure this exists online somewhere now, probably on some shitty website like Instagram or Facebook. ( ´,_ゝ`)
Furthering on the Lego theme of >>114357
As usual, CS1.6 LAN party throughout the day.
>>114360These were all running classic themed Windows XP for the record when they were on. I only got pics at the end of the day when it was over that is why they are not on. Anyways, they had a wall of cosplay pictures, I took pictures of the pictures on some of the better ones.
They specify country but it's almost all here in Latvia.
I also spent about half the time in this hall because my autism couldn't handle all the busyness in the main areas for very long.
Since the event is a big thing regionally, it was in English. But as usual all the Manga and DVDs were in Russian. (;´Д`)I understand not translating to a tiny language like Latvian, only insane fansubbers like me do that, but wouldn't English make more sense? Even the book stores here almost all the manga is in Russian for some reason.
They bad an awards ceremony at the end for the cosplay mostly but also some art competition and vidya. Apparently they sent some people international for bigger cosplay contents. I didn't really care that much and the pictures are horrible so I will simply attach this clearest one. It also had some British international champion dude there I don't remember his name, but he was a very handsome man.
That's about all for the event so here's a picture at the bus stop by the venue.Will takes some pictures of the very little merch I bought now.
did u have fun?
I could have sworn I had the program guide from 4 years ago. It was much smaller then, at least half, but they had tons of interesting guests like mangaka who flew in from Japan and stuff. I even remember the nation of Japan sent a video message once. There wasn't as much interesting things this time.It used to be a full booklet with all these interesting things, now it's a map and a tiny schedule.
>I also met nobody and did not enjoy my time there. And couldn't afford anything nice.Handled it like a pro otaku, we are proud of you!
>>114371No I spent 8 hours mostly walking around worrying about how I can talk to people (never did except one old friend I haven't seen in years, but he was on the working as staff apparently so we couldn't hang out or talk more than a minute or two), and looking at cool things I could not afford to buy.I did spend maybe an hour or two eyeing this one cute girl with a free hug sign but I never worked up the courage to do it.
This was exactly how my first and only convention ever went
>>114376At least it got me out of the house I guess, I'm usually too schizo for that but spending money for nothing is something I hate even more than being targeted by gangstalkers or whatever the delusion of the day is. After it ended I smoked two cigarettes and bought half a liter of vodka which I am drinking right now and also got a burger at Hesburger all to try and feel a little better about this failure of a day. :D
Yes I'm all the cringe not just weeb, but here's the merch :3I already have a pin on my bag from years ago of that sticker with the flag on black basically. No the business card is not merch technically. I allotted myself 20 euros plus change, I spent maybe 15, 5 of which was change. Mostly on bubble tea (Bubble Tea Rīga is overrated its not very good somehow even though bubble tea is amazing), and also an overpriced coffee and a monster that was somehow cheaper than the overpriced water bottles at that booth.I spent the remaining 10 in cash on the vodka (about 6€) and I used the 10 left in my bank account to buy the burger (like ~6,50€)Now to figure out how to pay my high rent as a shut-in Otaku again ( ̄▽ ̄)I am actually really good at cosplay I used to have a sizable following on my cosplay account online when I had one and money to buy that stuff. If I have money by winter I wanna cosplay Youmu and then I can't be lonely because people will talk to me :DI can even have one of those free hug signs.
>>114380Go with a friend! It's fun if you're not alone!If you don't have a friend then IDK, I went with cousins before. Or I guess you could find somebody on the internet who is also going there. Or just save up a lot of money and use it as a shopping trip that's cheaper than importing things yourself.
Seems like you need to have a friend or someone to meet when going to something like this. Too bad you couldn't invite another heyurian so you could be awkward together.
If there are actually any heyurians in Latvia, hi let's be friends
Oh and not to forget the most important merch I got, the pins from the combined Heyuri/9chan merchandise booth! It is a shame though that I could only afford pins with my measly change.
Also I asked for the big versions of each one and they must have misheard it as the big version of one and I was too shy to correct them ;-;Especially sucks because the smaller one has the finer detail in it.
>>114387How come i've never heard of this before, wtf? Did i miss some thread?
>>114389No idea. I wish I had more money on me. The heyuri-tan plushie was 35€ I already have a kranklis plushie from previous years though, seems they were hand made for the events back then but now it's just some mass produced thing the both of them. Probably order in bulk for each event I assume.
>>114389>Did i miss some thread?Of course, how could you miss it!!! (゚血゚#)
>>114382>I am actually really good at cosplayshare picz if they can't be tracked!
>>114387>>114390Does Heyuri have some sort of massive reach in IRL otaku spaces we don't know about??
>>114387CUUUUTE!I wanted to order the Heyuri-tan dakimakura at the time but it was sold out...
>>114395What do you think Heyuri is? We just opened an official store for 90s/2000s 2D ero in Akiba last year!
>>114395Heyuri is the government website of Japan, everyone knows this!
>>114394They could and I left it all behind when I moved u_u I will see if I can find anything decent I took after that accounts era but I doubt it. (my current online identities are fairly connected and I have posted cosplay to before) I was going to buy a meidu outfit if I had more money, it was only 30€ somehow... but the big gloves were 20€ at the same place
This is the closest thing I have to a cosplay that wouldn't dox me. I guess you could call it a cosplay because I cosplayed a gothic woman ヽ(´ー`)ノ
>>114387EXCUSE MEEE??????heyrui in the real world? why did nobody tell me this????
>>114399oh well, take heyuri-specific picz if u ever do again
Okay but actually I was thinking about starting one of those obviously made to order cheap online shops but for random channer/imageboard/internet culture stuff. For money obviously. But hey I could even donate part of the profit for stuff that's related to specific sites. Is this a good idea or would nobody use it do you think? I guess it can't hurt to keep a thing running with no inventory though, unless I made it a company. Just idle thoughts because I would buy a lot of that kind of stuff myself.>>114406Yes
>>114410You can see the cosplay for the next con after it and then somebody can dig through the footage to see me in the background and dox me
>>114411I bet some of those already exist, not that I've ever searched. Could be fun though.
>>114416Pay me 500 euros first
I'll give you one free internet!
>>114356Very cool kiguGood job going and talking to people! Sunday has a lot less to do. But good job going, asking for a picture, and putting yourself out there. I am proud of you anon (^Д^)
>>114446Thanks anon. And thank you for posting that picture again of mai waif
>>114403h-hot ( ̄ハ ̄)/
Wait is OP a girl or just a gigantic faggot? Also is there really a heyuri-tan plushie and no pics of it exist online?
>>114468>Wait is OP a girl or just a gigantic faggotIsn't that obvious?
>>114468Obvious faggot is obvious
A gigantic faggot is a you. Either fap to hawt bodies of Heyurizens without caring about the situation in their crotches or leave!
>>114495No, I will stay and keep complaining
>>114468How very rude, just for that I'm not sending you the next Heyuri-tan plushie I come across. (;´Д`)
>>114387>>114389>>114390>>114395>>114392>>114404you should be able to get teh heyuri album. it comes with 2 stickers toohttps://kinpatsukinpatsu.bandcamp.com/merch/heyuri-dont-stop-the-music-album-cd-r