Looks like Comic LO may end soon /b/ros.https://crazyforanimetrivia.com/magazine-comic-lo-is-now-bimonthly/#google_vignetteMarked for deletion (Old)
We're not your bros, buddy
>Looks like Comic LO may end soon
>>112456I gave up on mosaic'd anthologies years ago.
this maeks me sad, as it's another sign of change of teh world we love towards something bad.
never read it, i shall sometime today>>112457i'm not your buddy, pal
teh fuck? LO magz are teh best out there for lolicons! Sadly most of them are not translated as whole.
>>112462As old men die off the demand for boring old-fashioned monochrome eromanga will go down and the demand for colorful exciting mass-produced AI-generated hentai will go up. Why waste time reading words in a manga when you can just look at thousands of new images of your favorite characters getting cummed inside every day?
some ai looks really bad tho
Heard about it last year, shitsux. >>112471Because I like to read u faget, and something that can be read is a lot more capable of setting up a sexy & exciting ero scenario compared to a bunch of AI images.
I think its been bimonthly for 1 year now. There were signs that would happen for while though: they don't have enough staff. For months they added promo pages to convince new artists to join LO. They also made one publication with no new comics and only republished stories to save time, but... ultimately they had to switch to bi-monthly.That being said, they launched a new digital magazine LOE which is released on the months LO isn't. So you can have ur monthly supply of loli.>“Must be because the Loli boom is over”Sadly but i think lolicon really isn't as popular as before, i blame the West>“What happens is that the good artists publish themselves on the internet, in magazines only the bad artists are”Thats true imo
JerkCity is still going strong, PENIS will never lose its popularity
>>112471>colorful exciting mass-produced AI-generatedYou weren't bullied enough in school
>>112471I'm literally going to your house to rape your family
>>112466well i cant know things i dont know, i think socrates said something along those lines...
>>112456I'd support it if I could, but all I can really do if buy from third parties. Anyways, I have enough editions and cover artbooks