The best of Japan has arrivedThis time I focused less on manga because I already have all I wish for. I also felt an urge to stock up on onaholes. I will stop making these threads probably, I cannot think of anything else to get.General contents:Box 1☆ Di Gi Charat anime☆ Azumanga figurinesBox 2☆ Yukari fumo☆ Azumanga illustration books☆ Yuru Yuri illustration books☆ Touhou doujin music☆ Azumanga books☆ Yuru Yuri music☆ Yotsubato☆ Di Gi Charat anthology☆ Di Gi Charat CDs☆ Umaru chan booksBox 3☆ Yuru Yuri illustration book☆ General Touhou manga filler☆ Made in Abyss☆ Yuru Yuri figurines☆ Yuru Yuri anthology☆ Touhou doujin music☆ Touhou 18 trial CDBox 4☆ 3 kinds of lotion☆ 3 onaholesI own a better scanner now and I can scan anything that is not already on teh torrentz as long as I do not damage the book. I can upload any optic/digital media too as long as not found on torrent sites.I remember that muni request I failed, I will deliver one day ;_;Marked for deletion (Old)
bulk buy
they are well equipped inside
i think the resolution of these images is outstanding
you delivered!
complete sets of multiple series
i really have no way to comment thingsthey are regular DVDs with a 10 year old cat
guts are plenty
entire boxes
a special with special items
this is another box that it contained
it had two special booklets and digital pins
they are really nice, it is not usual to find metal pins with custom shapes and lines
they also had sketches
and i suppose they are the things you put hot cups onto
still a stack to unpack
hello kitty!~
and ad for dejico can buy a dejico phone, though in europe it might get confiscated by border guys due to the CE certificate probably not being present
they are small, at around 6cm
sakaki seems to be on chemo... lack of hair
fat yomi
retard and prodigywhat a contrast
pantsu check
first box summarized:
second box
yucari came to greet me!
but she is flat
i helped her fix the shape a bit
azumanga irasuto
aho + suica
tiyo's sugata
by looking into her eyes you can confirm she has no soul
bullying a brat
helping the brat
yomi's rocket chikubi
yryr creep shots
two books
akari learning page
chiduru would be a great mother
4 friends3 are close2 are fucking1 strap on
i thought i had seen this reisen image somewhere beforeso i opened it to investigate
and this is what i found inside...
i like these instrumentals
one had a cute ran picture with chen
one had patchouli on
with usagi shoes
and there was this box
i like this style so much
azumanga to give away, yotsuba is to be given away too
yryr middle school girls sound
and charat sounds
charat anthology books
character info
very moe
adult rabi
i'll finish tomorrownew onaholes stand just therei must go
>>110805>i'll finish tomorrowi look foward ( ´ω`)
>>110726Chiyo's skirt is so short it looks like you could see her panties even if you were just pretending to tie your shoes
>i'll finish tomorrowI read this as "I'll fish tomorrow". Can you upload the Di Gi Charat CD's? And also state when they when the CD's were manufactured please?^^
>>110801i love puchiko so much! ^_^
i got an extra set of umaru because i thought i had forgotten it somewhere in a lecture hallthough i found it a week later under my bed
>>110855i mean the fifth book alone, well now i got extra 1-10
illustrated book
chinatsu seems to be entranced by touching her soon to be wife
i wish i had a sister like this
first time i got adventure manga
he drew riko's bare tits realistically
i would pour liquid hot wax into nanachi's ears
i also got another konya nekochan, same deal as umaru
yryr compilation 400 pages and 500 yen globally set price on releaseincredible
extra yryr anthology
chiduru drooling
what are they doing
cute chen
and this
the last onaho box
this was among the best rated cunt juices
this one is sticky
and another kind if i get bored with the previous 2
3000 yen wife
looks like this, i already had one of them
another one is bigger
like so
the final one was a bit over 9000 yen
2 holes for humping
i tested it last nightpretty good but it is designed for humpingtoo bad when you get tired
what elsethey serve the purpose and smell nice
>>110836yes, they will be up some time todayi will link to themand what do you mean state? none of them state country of origin but if DVDs say they were made in japan then i suppose that CDs were also burned in japan
>none of them state country of originI think he meant tell ("state") the dates of the cds
>>110836I'm on mom's 50kb/s up Internet. I will upload it tomorrow. I almost did upload them today but internet went out I can't find the date of burning anywhere, only .cda files, I might be an idiot>>110938Indeed a chicken
>>1108363 drama cds and 3 music cds
>>111082i meant 2 music cds
How much did you spend on all of this nonsense?
>>111232It's nonsense to me because I can't speak Japanese! (;´Д`)
>>111233>It's nonsense to me because I can't speak Japanese! (;´Д`)そうですか?
>>111234あっ、ごめん、、、 嘘つきた。本当に日本語できる。嘘ついてごめん。もう死んじゃう。
>>111231Total of approximated item value + nip tax + proxy + local tax + shipping + other minor thingsBox 1: 32000 jpyBox 2: 42000 jpyBox 3: 43000 jpyBox 4: 37000 jpyI will probably order last 2 for a long time
>>111270Hory shet. (;゚Д゚)
>>111099Jealous of this guy...
lol winrar merch, fukking awezum!