Who are your top 5 favorite loli artists?mine:nishi ioriminori kenshirouwada wauponsukeHiraya Nobori (might have retired)honorable mentions:Mochileonardo 16seiMedaka kenichiKinku (Retired.. maybe)ironashi (doesnt do manga)Mention any you like or enjoy. ヽ(´ー` )ノ
>>21562i love this drawing. who drew this?
>>21563A Heyurizen on oekaki. (´¬`)
Off the top of my head: Gemba, Borscht, Blvefo9, Typehatena, Raigou
>>21561For me, it's:himeno mikan (his collections are very funny)tsubaki jushirou (i love incest)atte nanakusa (i love chubby loli)ponsukehonorable mentions:ebisujima misato (i love his yuma stuff)crayon arts kikurage (his lolis always look so happy, if only he hadn't abandoned them in favor of big oppai kemono women T_T)possummachine probably
>>21589i like atte too, i wish he would make manga again, but he seems content with fanbox bux. I'm worried patreon like services stifle artists with easy money, why work hard to get a comic published in a magazine or print a dojinshi for comiket when you can make just as much releasing 1 illustration a week? ヽ(´ー`)ノ
is there anyone who makes wholesome and cute stuff?
>>21591ponsukes manga are usually cute and lovey dovey plus he draws nice buttholes.
>>21592Not only that, he also draws some of the best buds and his overall anatomy is generally great>>21591I'd say that kikurages stuff feels very wholesome despite teh fact that he usually tends to lean towards todcon, it's a shame he has very little manga work ┐(゚~゚)┌
>>21595>despite teh fact that he usually tends to lean towards todconthats what i like about kikuruge!
Dunno about the personal artist top, but speaking about favorite lolis, Takagi-san has the fucking Ideal Female Body, and Asahi from Onimai is the most eroi, be it her innocent ignorance or playful curiosity.
i love custom udon animated loli sexanyone wants a torrent?
>>21564>>21562Do you know if he made art in the Before Times (as far as I can tell archives don't go that far) and is it accessible/do you have any?
>>21612There's more on /o/ assuming it's the same anon.
>>21592>>21597i forgot my credentials to log in to exhentaiorz
>>21647have you tried turning it on and turning it off again?
>>21648i resorted to using my mind powers to recall all my favourite ones
>>21613You didn't understand my question. Since Heyuri existed, then didn't exist, then was brought back, and because /o/ only goes as far as post No.1, I was curious if this artist had existed "in the Before Times" (before Heyuri died and was resurrected) and whether you had that art, since I was not using the site then and would have no way of knowing.