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Happy New Years!

This. Somebody actually fucking gets it.

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While there are arguments to be made one way or the other in certain areas, I wouldn't say it's objectively better or worse overall (if you dig a little there's some really shitty and low quality old anime, and some great newer shows too) - it's mostly just "different"

Due to the time I got into anime, almost all the shows I started with were from the 2000s (plus a handful from the 90s), so naturally I prefer stuff from that era over most stuff coming out now, and most stuff that came out before too. However, most people who started watching in the 80s or 90s would likely disagree with me completely, as would those who started watching in the 2010s or 2020s

It's also worth remembering that the amazing looking anime from the 80s were all ludicrously high-budget productions, the likes of which became impossible for a long time after Japan's economic bubble burst and cost-saving measures had to be implemented. Not to mention the awkward transition to digital animation along the way that took a long time for animators to adapt to, and the financial reality of having to outsource animation to cheaper countries to keep up with demand

Hey you said animu made in the past 10 years they technically fall under that category, Heck HxH isn't even that Good. I Just recommended it because it was slightly above average in a pile of shit that it makes it look 10 times better.

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JOJO's bizarre adventure... But that's retro, Hunter x hunter... Also retro.

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such as? can someone actually recommend to me some good anime made in the last 10 years

I'll never understand why shows like my hero academia is considered good.

I hate to be one of "THOOOSE" guys but its really true, once something becomes mainstream or popular it goes down in quality. This rings true for anime as well. I'd say its golden age was 1970-2006. There are a few ok ones made after that and even some really good gems but they are few are far between.

Hmmm.... there is some good modern anime, but most of that is overshadowed by piece of shit overrated shounens.

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What's your consensus on this? Do you think that modern anime is worse than anime of the past.
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That's not true, most normalfags pay for it or stream it legally, and Nips still watch anime broadcasts for new shows.
What are the usual arguments for it being good?
It's has amazing everything. A lot of people aren't willing to criticize it because the fanbase is autistic. Honestly it's downright bad even by shounen standards.
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At least here most of them used ilegal pages
Illegal streaming/downloading of anime and other ACG media is far less common in Japan than many other parts of the world, because A: that type of content is more accessible and affordable in legal form over there (available on TV and in physical stores/doujin events, no shipping or import fees, buying anything LOLi-related won't get you v& and put on a pedobear list, etc), and B: the penalties for being caught pirating over there are much higher than most of the rest of the world - it's viewed and treated as a much more serious crime

Western viewers and their habits ultimately have little to no direct impact on the production of anime and the wider anime industry, especially not regarding the direction and merchandising of it (because most Westerners couldn't buy the merchandise even if they wanted to), but that's not to say there's no Western influence at all. It comes in the form of funding from companies like Netflix, Funimation, and Crunchyroll, and their positions on anime production committees

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