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Happy New Years!

What are the usual arguments for it being good?

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cuteness and MOAR cuteness

That's not true, most normalfags pay for it or stream it legally, and Nips still watch anime broadcasts for new shows.

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I have no idea, but most likely it isn't an exclusively anime chanel since I don't really watch that kind of vids

Who made the video?

Saw a video recently talking about how since most anime viewers nowadays watch the shows ilegaly, they started to care less about the story or show itself and more about the merchandising ability that the shows have

I started watching anime in the 2010s and I pretty much watch anime at random. I like the style of lots of older anime but I enjoy them just as much as I enjoy the seasonal generic high school moe. But to add to this, I noticed anime only really started getting experimental with the visuals in 2000s and even more in 2010 with things like Studio Trigger on the rise.

Expect very cute girls doing very cute things.

Not only that but cheaply made, and characters are.. well.. boring and uninteresting. It all follows a pattern.

Maybe we should make an infographic on good modern shows? Like picking them out so people don't have to dig through massive amounts of trash. A lot of modern anime feel really rushed.

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