We will watch Moetan (2007) the next Saturday (22nd), starting from 18:00 UTC.Moetan is a show about, well, I'd usually look up some information about the shows to write here but I don't think anyone actually reads the OP posts anymore, so what I write here doesn't rly matter. There were still people who don't know where to nominate shows in the last thread... If there is anyone reading this far, go listen to the OP of the show, it's actually a fun one Herez the MAL link: https://myanimelist.net/anime/2367/MoetanFor newcomers, you can find the detailed information and our previous streams from here: https://wiki.heyuri.net/index.php?title=Heyuri_CytubeHeyuri's rules apply in the CyTube channel.Also please fill our nominations page where we pick these shows from: https://cgi.heyuri.net/nominate/ - you must log in at least once every 4~ months to keep your votes intact!
>I don't think anyone actually reads the OP posts anymorebut i do ヽ(`Д´)ノ
ah, moetan is great funInk is literally too cute to be a JK (´人`)
i look forward to it! ヽ(´∇`)ノ
i can not wait to watch it with the heyuri club!
mate, that's 5am for me, guess it's going to be an all nighter (・∀・)
2 days until the stream and I'm already sleepy....
>>3501I'll be on a flight by then, but have fun watching the show!
Soon I can't wait ヽ(´ー`)ノ
art by deeptoot
>>3501SHIT why do i have a night schedule (╥‸╥)I need to sleep
20 minutes!
starten in 3 minutes!
prime time-loli time!
i haet being late ヽ(`Д´)ノ
teh detail on pantsu about VAGINA/ANUS lines was fukken awesome