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  • 2024/04/26 - Neomenu came back from 2021
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I give up on this site, the only thing worth staying here for is hakoniwa.
goodnight, and goodbye
Ur not currently b& here, but if ur wondering why u were b& from Chat (again), it's cuz u were aggressively shitting on other users in a not-at-all-fun way for no apparent reason (again) sweat3

If ur unable to abide by teh rule against "needlessly angry/argumentative posts", I'd say it's probably best for both Heyuri and urself if u found a different website to frequent sweat2
its called the gentle art of making enemies
also how is making fun of generally annoying people like angel, cosmo, and nau bad?
You have no right to call anyone annoying sweat3
alright mother fucker!! nau has not been on for so long!!! how dare you!!! keep track of the active people. last ppl talked about nau they where worried about her health being in the doctors

hate any other loli but the innocent ones!!!
they shouldnt even be on here lol
if your allowing kids on a site like this your genuinely retarded
>like this your genuinely retarded
you are also not in any position to call any1 retarded...
anonymous has been living under a rock it seems... unsure
I do not understand how they get a pass.
they are b& for being underage. rulez were updated some days ago
they still r on chat and hakoniwa lol
Rule 0 doesn't apply to Heyuri★CGI currently
can you do something about the retards spamming nigger porn
if there was a flood, staff would delete it as soon as they see it so no point in reporting

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