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  • 2024/04/26 - Neomenu came back from 2021
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emo posting is forbidden? well there's no use browsing heyuri anymore.
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Emos (except for hawt girls) raus!
Endless complaining about the life glooms Heyuri's atmosphere.

Don't get it wrong, you can still vent off about whatever is going on in your life, it's the "so ronery ;_;", "I want to kill myself T_T" type of posts that you can take somewhere else.
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I'm the last fag to defend misery-blogging and /r9k/-type threads, but "so ronery" is a Team America (2004) reference, and is a classic phrase that was popular back in the day - I've posted it myself here multiple times sweat2

So did I!
I can't word it well but there is a certain distinction between that thread/usual /r9k/-like posts and archived posts on sage.moe, it's apparent to anyone who has lurked long enough. Thx for pointing that out
I'm personally not against emo posting, but only on /lounge/. Practically nobody cares about your long bawwposts, unless you're asking for genuine advice instead of just venting your emotions.
Good luck HNN
Heyuri doesn't need robot9000 to be original!
I spent my day thinking what is "HNN" unsure

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