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Gather round, its time to poll heyuri on kuzs ratings as an admin

Voting lower than "love him" will have severe consequences.
2022 Kuznetsov = teh sux0rz dark
2020 k♡♡z = teh SEX0rz love
I dont get it, unless your criticizing him for off-site behavior, which is something he has done since day 1 (i very specifically remember a /q/ thread about people being mad at him for shitposting on /qa/)

and on heyuri hes been fine, he complied with the "de-kolymafication" everywhere, all thats left is the kaptcha

If he wasnt here the site wouldnt exist
It's hard to forgive him for how much involvement he's had in the 'party. Why would anyone go there, let alone create OC for that garbage heap repeatedly? A good admin would focus on his own site.
Kuz's is a hard work... It's not rational to haet him for whatever he enjoys doing and not enjoys

Since 2020 a lot has changed in his life, he got married, and it's understandable if he isn't as interested in stuff he used to be, but noone is to blame here. As long as he continues hosting Heyuri, he is doing a good work to me
Anyone else noticed how Love him option has been following Hes kinda bad from one vote behind? ( ’~’)
Perhaps it's the other way around?( ’~’)
We don't have 11 users visiting Heyuri that often, it's likely someone is manipulating the poll whetever if it's for benefit or disadvantage of kuz

Ultimately the poll is probably invalid, our opinions don't matter and we don't have any reason to have a strong opinion about kuz anyways closed-eyes
It's kind of how 4chan users don't care about hiroyuki, who also doesn't care about 4chan
he lost
by any chance do you have an archive of that /q/ thread? i'm interested.
Why do you guys expect kuz to give his attention soley to one site? You realize he had other sites before heyuri and none of them followed rule 8? You know hes been a twitterfag and made shitposts on telegram for years now right?
This thread was moved from /b/, where the replies are now deleted. I think some kind of bug occurred to the poll results, but it wasn't in benefit of kuz

PS: kuz is not planning to resign, so my personal opinion is that discussions like this isn't going to do any help
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What changed with kuz besides the fact he posts less?
Nothing. Heyuri has annual episodes of realizing kuz has conversational interests out of Heyuri
But I don't think they would prefer him posting more anyways, so it's probably the best for Heyuri


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