ITT Post vintage and high-class art of lolis. Pic related is by a German painter Max Pechstein from 1910 of a girl named Franzi born in 1900.Marked for deletion (Old)
loli vintage high-class
>>128242looks like a hag to me...
>>128249Thats because she is wearing clothes that make her look older.Franzi started modeling when she was 8 and the op pic is from 1910 when she was 10.There is also, this other painting of her from the same year painted by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner. Franzi also, went by the name Marcella.
>>128244Very cute.
Girl looking in a mirror in front of a mantel, painted by Balthus in 1955.
>>128249it's the facesomething about it just looks... aged
>>128254It could be just his art style and the way they both depict her as older.
Nude young girl getting up painted by Balthus in 1977.
>>128256he totally spent so much time on capturing her form that when it came time to the face, it was like "eh, who cares, cute body... (´¬`)"
>>128257 Someone in Italy thought it would make a great Lolita cover LMAO.
>>128258ah, those wacky Italians lmaovery lulzy
>>128259Italy is great at weird sex stuff. Recently I watched an Italian film from the late 70s called 'Maladolescenza' that was kind of a fable about growing up, featuring a trio of pre-teens running around the forest screwing. With two of them narcissistically bullying the third girl.
The waking child by Edwin Whitney-Smith 1911.
>>128261What's the name of the movie?
>>128259Ikr they also. used one of the other nude loli paintings done by Balthus >>128253 when the book was re-released in Italy in the 90s. Franzi is also, on French and German editions of Lolita as well. Pic related is a French copy.
>>128279um... maladolescenza? you can see it both in anon's post and filename you dummyyour punishment for being dum is raep
A portrait by David Hamilton, whose main focus was erotic photography of girls aged 10-18. At one point he was considered the world's most famous photographer, with his work being considered banal and unprovocative. His popularity waned in the 80's, but by the 90's cultural attitudes in America had shifted so much that his books were accused of being child pornography. In the 2010's several of his former models came out with sexual assault allegations. He denied them and though no charges could be brought against him due to statute of limitation laws, he committed suicide. Whether or not he really did it, he definitely was a hebephile and admitted so in his book, 25 Years an Artist, which I highly recommend picking up if you want an introduction to his work. >>128263I bet he hotglued it
>>128263more like the naked child, am i right fellas?
>>128286hotglue on a statue? i bet it's 100x better than on tiny figures
>>128299Our Master, Pedobear-sensei once said "Terabytes of free online porn, tons of print magazines, all the clever poses, sex positions and fetishes in the world still can't overshadow the simple beauty and pleasure of a JUST A NAKED CHILD".
>>128309Thanks for sharing your wisdom, Pedobear-sensei.
>>128282Not everyone pays attention to file names.
>>128286I Googled his name and can't seem to find anything on him but i did find the book you mentioned thouigh it says that it cannot be shipped to the US.
>>128337Here's his wiki article:>i did find the book you mentioned thouigh it says that it cannot be shipped to the US.You'll want to look on AbeBooks. It's generally a better place to shop for books than Amazon, but especially so for out of print books. Here's a .pdf of another one of his best books:
Another Balthus dump coming in.Princess Maria Volkonsky at the age of twelve, 1945
>>128339Thanks anon.
Cat in the mirror 1978 the sequel to this one. >>128256
The Guitar Lesson by Balthus: 1934
>>128339I will give this a read at work. ヽ(´ー`)ノHe seems like a very cool guy.
>>128286he also directed a film called "laura" that is available on japanese blu ray (dubbed in english)
this balthus guy does some very good artwork
>>128395I agree.Girl and cat 1937.
>>128363I know he did a few films, but I haven't heard of Laura. Do you know anything else about it?I do know that the Japs are quite fond of his work though. There's a book of his that I think was exclusively released in Japan and is quite expensive.
>>128602Oops I didn't mean to sage.
looks what's stuck in the chimney
>>128602i own the blu ray. what do you want to know? i don't like the plot and a lot of it seems like filler, but it has a lot of nice shots of beautiful fully nude girls.
>>128667You should upload it somewhere!
>>128718i don't have a bd-rom
Young nude woman standing on a beach, whole-length and in profile to left, stooping slightly and holding the hands of two small children, the boy striding towards the sea and the girl leaning back; (1896)