I got admitted to a degree program with Ritsumeikan UniversityThis would've been my dream in middle school but I'm not even into anime anymore Either way, I have to learn Japanese (after swearing myself after my last study abroad i would never learn another language )Have any of you been to Kyoto? I've heard its really nice, but then again people have a tendency to exaggerate anything related to Japan Marked for deletion (Old)
Holy fuck, the formatting for my post is weird, anyway I meant joint degree program in the first sentence
you know what I don't even envy you cuz I don't care about japan anymore
I had chances of studying abroad, but I picked the nearest university to my house because I would already be too busy with studies to maintain a life I thought maybe I'd change places when I graduate but I dunno anymore. It's just too easy to live in one's hometown. It's not like I need to be in Nipponkoku to enjoy 2D either Since you've (hopefully) already considered all these and made your decision, congratz! 日本語の勉強がんばれー
There is a guy from kohlchan that goes to a uni in kyoto but he speaks japaneseYou might want to meet up with him, he seems cool
Sometimes I wish I applied and went for Japanese universities, but it's probably for the best I continued to go for US (I feel like Japanese universities wouldn't have as much support systems and warmth/community). Also if I went to Japan I'd be an ocean away from my girlfriend instead of a few states
>>118640rule of thumb to determine if you have a gf or not: if you're not making love with her everyday she doesn't really love you and if you're not making love with her at least once a week she's not your gf, she's just conning you or toying with you.
>>118643I guess you've never had one then, right?
>>118645no I've never had a fake gf that doesn't make love with me
hey op, I live in a third world shitter and want to be admitted into a foreign university, do you have any advices for me? thanks in advance (don't worry, I'm white!)
my brother lived in kyoto for about 6 years as an english teacher and my mom visited him. it is a beautiful, clean, lovely city! lots of great food and pretty streets. the only downsides (which tbh, sound like upsides to me) are that the japanese can feel a little "fake" in their constant politeness. it can be hard to find genuine connection, people are not so extroverted and personal with strangers. congratulations OP!! study hard, but not too hard!!! ヽ(´∇`)ノ
>>118618The main reason I am choosing to come here is to help my career because I will work in international relations so learning a 3rd language will be very useful>>118624maybe someday>>118684IELTS is really important, study your ass off for that. You should really take a course for IELTS because if you don't know the structure of the test you will do bad even if you have good English.>>118686Sounds pretty neat
>>118684Moldova or Brazil?
>>118715>IELTS is really important, study your ass off for that. You should really take a course for IELTS because if you don't know the structure of the test you will do bad even if you have good English.I have got a cambridge certificate, doesn't that do anything?
>>118716dang it, you can see right through me
>>118717I'm not the guy you replied toI got Cambridge one too and people care, ielts is temporary from what I know while Cambridge is valid for life>>118718Southern boy ヽ(´∇`)ノ
>>118645>>118649lol OWNED