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  • 日本のへゆり

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How would you make a game starring Heyuri-Tan?

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I have the opposite problem that idea guys have. I know how to program and put a game together, but I never have any good ideas.
So I would take some cool Heyuri-tan OC from /o/ or something, and come up with an idea around it.
That's what I would do for the Heyuri game jam if it existed.
maek a small game for the upcoming bunkasai biggrin
Mmmh... Maybe. How does it work? Will there be a thread for just posting stuff?
heyuri game would look old, weird, gory, silly, and sometimes cute. Gameplay would be something simple but hard I guess. This is how I imagine it
I think a platformer akin to SMB3/SMW would be good, saving Kaguya-sama at the end biggrin

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While you were wasting your life on the internet, i beat Shining Force

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Y'know feels good to finally beat another game after being busy for so long.
My previous experience with tactical games consists of fucking around in Advance Wars and getting my ass handed to me in Banner Saga, so i really can't make any deep statements about the game sweat2
All i can say is that i liked it better than Shining in the Darkness
more like shining farce amirite?

Your fortune: Very bad luck
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Don't be mean to the shining force. They got centaurs, robots and werewolves

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gif thread
boing biggrin
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ah yes, an average single mother

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Japanese Prime Minister Aso Tarou has allegedly been witnessed reading the manga "Rozen Maiden" in Tokyo International Airport

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Hey hey hey, I'm Detective Cuttlefish. This board here seems to be conducting some serious crimes. Give me one good reason why I shouldn't shut this place down for good!

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Your mustache has taken control of your brain. biggrin
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>Give me one good reason why I shouldn't shut this place down for good!
I'll rape you

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Your fortune: Godly luck

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Stop standing on it, you're squishing it. cry
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>Stop standing on it, you're squishing it.
gomenasai... i b0rked it cry
Now go make some pumpkin pie! biggrin

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what did you put in the coffee? ☕

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MY JIZZ. biggrin

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Why doesn't this ever happen to me? cry

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make it happen kami-sama!
I need this

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shit i dropped internets, did it break? unsure can you hear me? is it still working?

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>Don't make me turn this INTERNETS around.
Hey, who turned the damn internets off?! I'm torrenting something here! angry
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Never fear, I'm here to save the day! biggrin
Why is he pointing guns at his penor? Doesn't he know that will castrate him?
Something tells me that wouldn't have much consequence. closed-eyes

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they stare at u intensely during paizuri
Sex would be interesting
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This post is meant for the russians and polyglots or language enthusiasts of heyuri. I've woken up today and decided that I want to live in Russia. The obvious problem being, I don't know any russian. So then, can you help me with some books or video series?

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russian guy here dont do it russia sucks!
i only say that because russians are very backwards and just.. not welcoming of foreigners. you would be treated like an outsider. Go to like.. poland or somewhere, its russia lite edition.
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Miss him yet?
>Go to like.. poland or somewhere
i dont recommend
Sam jesteś russia lite, kacapie zasrany angry

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Which is better and why?? Do you yearn for your care-free days or do you enjoy today's world as it is? I do not know. Is it THAT much better to live in ignorance of the cruelty of our world of physical sensation, to live as a perpetual child, rather than recognize our wicked nature and reject it? ┐(゚~゚)┌

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Being a child was bad with having to go to school, but I doubt a working life would be any better if u have a work where you have to wake up early everyday to spend half your day working outside, and failing to do so getting u fired... School was also probably more fun with everyone around you being kids looking to have fun rather than money obsessed zombies. Either way, I'd rather commit suicide than adjusting to such a torturous lifestyle again
High school was meh since I could at least use computerz during nighttime and sleep through classes, and university is relatively nice since I only need to actually go to classes few times a week at a near campus, though there are some absurdly hard classes I have to waste time on dark
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Working for 8 hours is just too much. When I get my car and house I am reducing the time at work. That should happen before I am thirty. Childhood sucked, I need to be independent.

Also this is my last post on Heyuri, see you on the other side. wink
I would press "return to childhood" button in about 0.3 seconds biggrin
bumping this thread to announce that I fapped to this picture
if my teachers had been a little more strict and my parents a little less demanding i would have turned out better, my childhood was ok all things considered, would have liked no bullying though
adult life however is just sleep-work-repeat with barely any time for entertainment/hobby, in my opinion its inhumane to work 8 hours/day, i was strongly considering quitting within 3 days of starting work due to that
id like to go back to being a kid if i could

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behold! the puppet master reveals herself!

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fuck this girl, seriously. I don't even know her name but she pisses me off.
We're watching her anime tomorrow
>We're watching her anime tomorrow
there better be doll ecchi
hina gets scissored by teh BOKU yuri style blush
there is a weird moment between shinku and jun where you can feel sexual tension

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I can just use saucenao but it was easier with button
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This looks liek a job for...
I never share my seed with anyone!
I always remove my torrents after they're done downloading! xp
I'm just a poorfag with a shitty computer that has no disk space to spare. sad Otherwise, I'd seed everyone.

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