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Glory to chaiman Mao! Death to the IJA and US army!

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Take a seat, right on me
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Yeah, Chair-man does sound like a superhero name

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Did somebody say rape?

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What's it like in a maid cafe? do you get to buy sex from them?

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i see the reason for the idea but if i were to go to such place i would cry myself and leave
because they dont love me and only money for overpriced pancakes cry
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cheer up emo kid! emo
I WANT to go to JS/JC cafe BADLY cry


Why can't we have this even without the anything remotely ero cry
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>they dont love me and only money for overpriced pancakes
I would visit such places regularly for this kind of service biggrin I wouldn't care about their insincerity. I'd care about three things:
1. maids should be cute
2. they should drink a lot of nice natural juices to make their pee taste sweet
3. medical examinations should be done regularly to make sure that maids are healthy so I can drink their pee safely

The requirements aren't so strict, right? So why the hell we have a lot of artworks with peeing maids, but it isn't an actual thing yet? Clearly there's a demand for that.
i went to one and it was pretty nice. staff were really cute and friendly. definately expensive tho like 25 bucks for an omurice, lychee soda, and cheesecake. maybe its a product of where i live tho (socal). the japanese style arcade/bowling alley it was connected to was super fun as well. it also has more reasonably priced food (10 dollar nacho lunch special was pretty good).

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LOL there's a cat on her head

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teh neco and coneco combo!
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nooo! dont eat nekos! cry

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Any effective ways to die asking for a friend

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I thought this entire board was one guy. unsure
Shut up, waha
so, have the plans changed from dying to going to Gensokyo?
... honestly, ain't those one and the same? ( ´ω`)
its half true
i probably got around 10000-15000 posts on b sweat
I want to die

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still warm kuma6kuma6
Necrophilia: Because it's not rape if they're already dead. biggrin
people die all the time
at least she wont bite my pen0r when i stick it down her throat biggrin
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Antonia Eliana Ortiz Schiaffino me tiro el peo en mi nariz

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👄 chuu~ blush

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>oh silly, i am your mom!
then get to werk, maek my dinner and suck my PENIS! biggrin
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yes dear, here you go! happy
>yes dear, here you go!
Now that is one delicious PENIS drool
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sugoi... she was given the order to make a sandwitch and please her son and she complied with both with one singular move! this skill-level says a lot about her experience
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Rate teh playlist biggrin

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teh list is good, but using spotify to listen muziks is questionable sweat2
ur list sux!!!!!!!!!!!11! angryangryangryangry
ur list rox!!!!!!!!!!!11! biggrinbiggrinbiggrinbiggrin

your list is pretty average!!!!!!!!!!!11! closed-eyesclosed-eyesclosed-eyesclosed-eyes

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MY BACK HURTS AGAON angrycrycrydark WHYYY angry

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Call one for me too, my butt itches. crycrycry
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you've been doing too much limbo!

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5 stars

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There's clearly six stars in the image.
∞ stars

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This except the buttons are your ass. biggrin

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this bitch needs to rape me.

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The hoenn pokemon games just have an aura of dullness around them. I've always held this opinion, but even after gaining much apreciation for the games themselves i still do
Every aspect of the R/S/E, whether good or bad, is just kind of unisteresting (Including, in a general manner, the titles, the design, the story, the villains and even the corresponding season of the anime). This may be a very abstract description, but i associate the main gen 3 games with feeling lazy
Am i the only one? I recognize them as good games, it's that they... i don't know sweat3

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What's wrong with gen 5?
B/W are good and B2/W2 are god-like, imo
- Dropping the japanese-like setting in favour of generic Big City, USA
- Primitive 3d graphics. From the perspective of time the game somehow looks worse than the 2d games
- Pokemon designs got worse, more simplified, less expresive and less creative (partially connected to the point about 3d graphics)
- Difficulty is insultingly low
There are no hard pokemon games, though sweat2
pokemon sucks
BW's Pokemon designs are kinda not very good overall. I tolerate them all these years later, but back when the game came out, I wasn't happy.
Unova is a giant circle with few branches. It feels like a massive step down after traversing Sinnoh.

I dunno what >>121127 is going on with difficulty, it isn't really easier than gens 1/2/3 (which are all easy), and the graphics are just those of a DS game, the same kind of 3D as seen in gen 4 but better and with a higher framerate.

Maybe it was confused with gen 6? That shit was easy to the point where I literally mashed A through the Elite Four and Champion without looking at my moves or swapping Pokemon, fuck that game.
Plus, X and Y were so badly programmed that despite being ugly, they were one of the first 3DS games to not support stereo 3D everywhere in gameplay. Sure, it's a gimmick, but no one else fucked up so bad that they had to drop it as a feature (and god help the framerate in the places you could enable it).

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Right in teh eyes glare

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Um excuse me her eyes would definitely be pushed into their sockets in this extreme scenario. closed-eyes
nice to see someone else playing cartagra biggrin
lol pwnd

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I'd say they got hit with the ugly stick, but that would be an insult to ugly sticks. They got hit with a whole ugly shovel. Hit 'em a few more times for good measure! biggrin

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