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  • 日本のへゆり

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sir, she stole teh traffic cone again (;´Д`)

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it wont budge! It's really stuck up there this time
nice funnel to pour lots of love juice directly into her nosebleed

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Your fortune: Godly luck

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police raep party biggrin
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I apologize I did not look at the image closely enough before I sent it happy

Here's a real one.

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Oh noes!!astonishhuh
It looks like Lara Croft has just ingested poisonous berries! She is deep inside the Amazonian rainforest, she can't get any help from the civilized worldd!!!!dizzydizzydizzy
How will she survive??????????????????crycrycrycrycry

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my grandpa has those berries in his garden and i can say with 100% certainty they aren't poisonous
i wonder why the boy lied to lara

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my wife - Nina

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Nina checked your digits and werent impressed. She chose me. love
gets don’t lie…
>Nina checked your digits and werent impressed. She chose me.
it seems i will haev to taek her... BY FORCE ph34r
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my wife having good time with her friend blush

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I don't know whether I should have posted this on /jp/, but I was looking for a book to learn japanese. Sure there are internet guides, and I know that's what people usually use, but I get distracted quickly when I'm learning off the internet. I tend to learn better with physical books. Is there a "all-in-one" sort of book that covers grammar and basic vocabulary? Thanks in advance.

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Genki is visibly targeted for someone who is going to Japan for school or work, where shit like that is very important
>Genki is visibly targeted for someone who is going to Japan for school or work
Yes, I get it. That's exactly why I do not recommend this book for self-study.

People who learn Japanese by themselves probably aren't doing that to enroll into a Japanese college. That is especially true for heyurians. We just want to read h-manga and play eroge. So the approach should be different.
where do you recommend starting then
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im not the person you tagged
i began with the most obvious grammar videos on youtube, pulling out a jlpt list from 5 to 1 when i got confident enough on anki
there is one good set of over 30000 flashies
you skip borrowed english words, start small with vocab, do not get overambitious the first week

you watch more youtube grammar tutorials, when you get frustrated, bored, burned out and disinterested you force yourself to do anki, dont worry about forgetting them the time you close anki, dont worry about relearning basic stuff 10 or a 100 times over

dont worry about sucking at identifying spoken words because 10 words have the same reading
it takes ages to get comfortable to on and kun yomi and memorizing all of them and then mastering so that despite the same sound pattern you know which of the 100 options it is simply based on the context
refer to dejikos nazo keitai for getting raped with misidentifying spoken and read japanese and ateji and other rebuses

it will probably take you long to read fluently in even hiragana at all times
dont worry about it, kanji comes with getting used to the language and wasting enough time on japanese so that you forcibly memorize them
when you are quite familiar with readings and the sounds of kanji your brain will wire them together without you noticing it, dont worry about sucking extremely bad for quite some time

speaking and making sentences comes last, little children barely make sentences, you will be like them for a few years after having a good comprehension of japanese no exceptions
if you do not attempt on talking to yourself in japanese you will never speak it, the human speaking module of the brain is hardwired and not made up on the go
if you do not try building sentences and describing anything even in your own head you will never speak it well
you speak english and make sentences without thinking about it, same is the case for any language, if you do not use it enough then no fast stable and reliable neural paths are made and no speaking is possible

i spoke close to no english some 5 years ago, dont worry about sucking and getting frustrated and dropping all hope for fluency, you will get exhausted and drop learning 10 times in a single month

the prize for learning japanese is a very wide range of loli doujins before someone translates them, navigating nico easily, good philosophy materials and there is a lot of it
i would suggest following the general rule of chans when learning japanese: dont post the first day
otherwise the embarassment will haunt you at nights for all eternity cry
what if, the reason I want to learn japanese is actually to immerse myself in a culture very different from my own, be able to properly appreciate the nuances of japanese prose and poetry and maybe go there to study or work?

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beware teh ahoge tentacle nyaoo2 once you have been caught by it, you have no means of escape

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But what if I want to be caught by it? unsure
Kagami will smell like TIMOTEI

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cute loli!
She's rolling the wrong way. cry

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mint-05 (;゚Д゚)

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Please eat me. biggrin

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DO NOT TOUCH TEH PANTSU angryangryangry

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>Incorrect, I'm afraid
iiya, i am correkuto
Moar liek cock-rekt-o xp
>Moar liek cock-rekt-o
mai cock is rekt from fapping so much due to the hawtness!
try to find a qt real analog yourself then angry
Analog? Moar liek anal-log wink

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i am snacking BOKU

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Never forget. ( ´,_ゝ`)

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microsoft hacked into his geimu and pwned his plane

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ecangelion SUX! lolico
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Who is Shinji in the Neon Genesis Eddvangelion universe?
obvious choice is jimmy, artisans choice is double d
Didn't Eddy's VA play a background character in episode one of NGE?

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can I tell u something heyuri ?

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>you all never asked my secret
i think lolis are gross (⌒∇⌒ゞ)おっぱい好きです!!!!!!
i'm going to raeg!!!

oppai is okay

but just that, okay

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dance with teh old men ヽ(´∇`)ノ

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Dance with no pants! dance2
moar liek dance with no PENIS lolico
Um excuse me there is definitely a PENIS right there, swinging in the breeze. glare2 banana

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