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File: flower.gif
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oh hai- (;゚∀゚)

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File: Portae_Lucis_1516.jpg
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jewish sucker
doubly effective

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enjoy your plump lolis while they last, Trump-san is surely going to make it illegal for girls to be fat soon, even in Japan!
This chubbasaurus farts. FARTS! sad
You say that like it's a bad thing...
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heh, I was on a chubby binge the other day

File: zhongguo.jpg
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why be a filthy jap when you can be from superior zhongguo ruling asia under the mandate of heaven for 3000 years

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The red sailor fuku means there's a 99% chance it's from the ToHeart series
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To heart 2
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I only finished Komugi's route so far but all characters are really cute. Really good game!nyaoo-closedeyes
oh... I don't care much for purely erotic games like these...
I wouldnt call it's an eroge, as larger part, if not 95%~~~~ of teh routes are dating teh girls. That is, if u get their good end.

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happy single's day dark

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File: OL-waha.jpg
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WIN wahaiyahooiyahoo

EPICWIN EPIC waha>>122992
not for me LOSERS !!!!! xp

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a mysterious client has hired a raep on the individual shown in the picture. heading out now ph34r

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She looks stupid, make sure to rape her a lot. closed-eyes
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Little did you know, she's excited!
>Little did you know, she's excited!
could it be... she ordered a raep on herself!? glare

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kuzs wife is looking good gotta say ZAMN

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Bye bitch. biggrin
where did you get those powers😲
are you made of magic?

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My sandwich tastes funny. glare

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looks too dry, add sum thermal paste to enhance taste
File: crunch.gif
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Nice hat where did u get it? I want one! biggrin
God I wish that were me. blush
What this from?

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i have caught a disease, guess which one kuma6

Your fortune: Dark times are to come

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ok, it might be aids cry kuma6

Your fortune: Bad luck

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kyaa~ blush love

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boil teh hermit crab drool

File: panchirabattery.png
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Um excuse me the battery in that device can't possibly be strong enough to power all 10 of those vibrators. closed-eyes
>Um excuse me the battery in that device can't possibly be strong enough to power all 10 of those vibrators.
it's custom-made to withstand heavy-duty vibrator activities

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take a ride, on the slide

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Suspicious slide. glare2

File: heyurislamism.swf
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SWF Embed
ph34rph34rph34r لولي اكبر ph34rph34rph34r

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i am a devout follower of lolislam 🙏
File: lolideth.png
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glory 🙏
ph34r lolislamic state ph34r
Epic win! iyahoo I shall convert to Lolislam by bearing witness to my faith right nao!!

أَشْهَدُ أَنْ لَا إِلَٰهَ إِلَّا لولي وَأَشْهَدُ أَنَّ مُحَمَّدًا رَسُولُ لولي ph34r

Ashadu an la ilaha il Loli, anna ashadu Muhammadar rasul Loli. ph34r

I bear witness that there is no deity but Loli and that Mohammed the messenger of loli. ph34r

Now give me my loli wives. kuma6

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I hope you know that ❤ = consent. Enjoy your facefull of stinky heyurizen PENIS.

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