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  • 日本のへゆり

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Oh god, I'm seeing double!

Eight Heyuri-tan's! glare

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OPPAI! ヽ(´∇`)ノ
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The oppai doesn't lie!
Doesn't lie, but makes teh PENIS fly!!!
(´ ∀ `)
>The oppai doesn't lie!
>Doesn't lie, but makes teh PENIS fly!!!
How does anyone still remember that?
It was memorable biggrin

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angry Damn mouth, move your tongue! It's getting in the way of the cunny! angry
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Let's expand the list!
✿ Doing the tea ceremony with Lipton
✿ Using a shoelace as a string in shamisen
✿ Reading manyoushuu from left to right
✿ Going through the middle of torii
✿ Sleeping with head facing north
✿ Not getting rid of almost century-old things
✿ Killing spiders during daytime
✿ Not killing spiders during nighttime
✿ Drawing ghosts with legs
✿ Following sparks during night travel
✿ Using ink to make soy sauce darker
✿ Tossing 10 yen coins
✿ Spitting water back to the tank after temizu, or drinking it
✿ Always making い and り look too similar in handwriting
✿ Drawing ghosts with fire, but failing to signal them to go back with another fire
✿ Hanging paper ghost not right side up, nor upside down but horizontally
✿ Thinking that Buddha is not among the oldest and most powerful kamis
✿ Not blaming your bad health on a curse cast by a clairvoyant pipe fox servant of the person that doesn't like you

What are other wrong or hilarious-sounding things?

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anno.... not being able to think of anything for teh list ъ( ゚ー^)
✿ Using semen to make rice whiter
✿ Using urine instead of champagne to make fancy hotpot yellower
>✿ Using arrow to make text green without quoting


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dumb genki girl best girl

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would you buy a living eraser? it costs around $9001 though (;´Д`)

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Is the absorbed graphite her food? Does she p00p out eraser shavings? (´ー`)
>Is the absorbed graphite her food? Does she p00p out eraser shavings?
i imagine it that way happy

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it gained a mind of its own! (;゚∀゚)

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You do not take pantsu

Pantsu takes you!

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Why is she so evil? glare2

Your fortune: Good luck
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>Why is she so evil?
dunno, pyo

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zOMG i found a treasure map! i wonder what teh treasure is...

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did he get to fuck first or did he just die
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load the waha cannons
>load the waha cannons
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Aye aye, Cap'n

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Can you recommend weird and disturbing psychological manga and anime?

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ika musume, komugi-chan majikarute, to love-ru, bindzume yousei
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>ika musume, komugi-chan majikarute, to love-ru, bindzume yousei
i heard that ika musume is cursed, and that people went missing after alledgely watching/reading it while eating squid...
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play kara no shoujo!

weirdo!! these will left a mark on you op...
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i meant "leave" but i had one (1) beer already. please excuse me
this way she can hear the radio directly into her brain

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Dear Heyuri,

I love Nobue. She has boobs and is a lolicon like me. We could talk Ana and Matsuri into many weird things.

Chika is too smart, and Miu too dumb.

Best regards,

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Barasui's son drew this, so he's probably jumping up and down behind Barasui all the time demanding more autistic references.
what the fuck? his son is gonna grow up to be a retard. Imagine being a kid and instead of drawing animals and stick characters and stuff you draw some americunt faggot's video game characters. Truly despairing to see...
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Too late, it looks like he's already retarded lol
what is even happening in this pic?
Peeing in the bath. blush

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i think madoushi lulba is a cool msx game
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>What MSX gaems do you like?
I love stuff from the Peach Up compilations, especially the Mirror Maze (Peach Up #8) & Mirror Maze 2 (Peach Up Special #2). Both are fun to play, and teh cut-scenes are entertaining smile
>What MSX gaems do you like?
I only know about the Metal Gear games sweat2
r u russian ???
>r u russian ???
Why are you surprised? After all, Heyuri used to be own by kuz wink

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who did this to my bike? angry

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You did. biggrin
>You did.
how did you know!? blush
Your giant, gaping, goatse sized ANUS! biggrin
>Your giant, gaping, goatse sized ANUS !
orz. i knew i should haev fixed my ANUS cry cry

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why are planes always crashing!? ヽ(`Д´)ノ

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Shoot them out of the sky first, idiot! ヽ(`Д´)ノ
aren't you a tad too old to be playing with dolls?
Because Saddam Hussein drives them.

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it was me! I know hold the powar to every genesis world-wide
Ha! My Sega Mega Drive is still secure!
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i haev just remembered i have one of those

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