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DIRECT HIT! iyahoo

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wrong way (;´Д`)

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school swimsuits eroi ( ´ω`)
but what's the purpose of the top cutout?
>but what's the purpose of the top cutout?
for ez access x3

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Want some? More are on the way

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>Want some? More are on the way
yes plz drool

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have you heard of teh junk cat breed?

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A cat is fine too. drool

Your fortune: You have cancer

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GIMMIE drool

Your fortune: You just lost the game

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eroanime! biggrin

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panda LOL

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fucikgi biecht.
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if you say so
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dumb bitch panda

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What gaem are you playing?smile

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just sum flash geimu biggrin
it bothers me that I can immediately tell this is a jo-engine game
I started the original Shantae on the GBC. Surprisingly horny nosebleed

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i've got teh coolest IP evar biggrin

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Posts in this thread will display IP addresses.
my IP is bigger than ur IP
My IP has 69 in it, just liek the 69 I had with ur mom in my bed. cool
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>my IP is bigger than ur IP
but i was told mine was the biggest and coolest cry
Those are some very nice IPs drool
>Those are some very nice IPs
thank you x3 ur ip looks kewl too biggrin

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at first I was like

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Blue-eyed blonde love
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blonde lolis are some of teh best biggrin

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This is a travesty. cry

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semen demons? drool

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you won teh internet a free mikuru!

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I need to see some identification to ensure this process is fully legalized. Don't want no Mikurus running away and nobody able to retrieve em!
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>I need to see some identification to ensure this process is fully legalized. Don't want no Mikurus running away and nobody able to retrieve em!
*quickly scribbles on paper* Here! all urs!

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I felt today like cleaning and fixing of stuff related to data.

I don't have too many HDDs but they are big.
I'm unifying my data by hand right now because I don't have a permanent dedicated machine and I am too lazy to automate it.
Besides I move certain pieces of data with me regularly physically, and I am not sure how I want to manage it too.

I got more big drives and I am moving stuff from a 16 tb drive to an 8 tb one currently because I overestimated the size that I would need so that I can add the 16 tb to my torrent server.
And I will have to put stuff from the 16 tb to the 8 tb so that they swap places too.

It will take 11 more hours.
And it will take another 11 hours to go the other way.
And I will have to encrypt the 8 tb beforehand.
I am demotivated.

I wish I could afford a tape reader and move to tapes already.

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9 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>if you are someone who installed a backdoor in my pc FUCK YOU I HOPE YOU DIE
s0rz... want me to take out mai back door? nyaoo2
teach me how to prevent hacking and i might forgive you
>my fucking isp doesnt allow me to change DNS so i can't install a pihole to kill ads and certain websites for my entire family (i am 100% sure they have malware in their devices)
the fuck
apparently that setting is only available to people who have a certain type of contract
all i am allowed to do is check or uncheck "secure dns"
Have you tried RDNS? it will work well for you in this situation

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food made by a naked apron meido tastes 9001% better than regular food! biggrin

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It's true, I've done teh science
>It's true, I've done teh science
post ur scientific proof!!!
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Food = good
Naked apron = good
Meido = good

good + good + good = triple good
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seems right biggrin

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