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  • 日本のへゆり

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If this was built today, I can pretty much guarantee it would be illegal according to building codes in the west which I think is ironic since it stood the test of time while modern buildings deteriorate to be unrecognizable in 50 years

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lets check our fortunes ヽ(´∇`)ノ

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Hopefully something good. (;゚∀゚)

Your fortune: You just lost the game
I'm sure absolutely nothing bad will happen to me at all. nyaoo

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
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I wonder whats in store for me today

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
No more キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!! angry

Your fortune: Very bad luck

Your fortune: キタ━━━キタキタ━━━━━━(・(・∀OVERLORD OF HEYURI∀・)・)━━━━━━!!!!━━━!!

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These things give lolis too much power and i hate that.

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I was always confused as to why the same people in the west who bitch about pedos were praising this song and dancing to it.

Don't they know this was supposed to be some kind of inside joke and that this particular Vtuber is an open pedophile?
it's not even an inside joke if u understand Japanese, but we don't come this place to talk about those people rolleyes
that song sucks but whats worse are the comments that have to point out the obvious
yeah, it's bad

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Where's the yaoi paddle? nagato
Suiginfujo astonish
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I uploaded horny doll here
Go take a look.

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She's cute! ヽ(´∇`)ノ
Why do you call her a "horny doll", though? (゚∇゚)
It's because of horns biggrin
cute horny doll! ヽ(´∇`)ノ
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Another one is up!

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Some see a forest, others see a buffet
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The OG Loli. I've seen many of her films. Have you?

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Wrong. Margot Peters is the OG loli, the earliest lolita archetype character from whom Dolores would eventually be conceived.
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But Shirley is a real person
https://youtu.be/geU-aFqAy7M cute.....
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OP did you forget about Baby Peggy?
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Did all of you forget about Alice Liddell?

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Goddess Misuzu

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Happy little trees .. ヽ(´∇`)ノ
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happy little girls ヽ(´∇`)ノ
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LOL, i liek this one biggrin

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moar beeeemu blush

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I want her to zap me with her BEEMU. love

Your fortune: You have cancer
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>I want her to zap me with her BEEMU.
wish granted! biggrinbiggrin
Please dispose of my smouldering remains in an ecological way. sweat2
win ヽ(´∇`)ノ

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kowai... (;゚Д゚)

Your fortune: Tomo will strangle you in your sleep

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Guise, please help me sweat3
I'm trying to beat the final mission of the allied campaign, but it's just too damn hard for me! I keep getting stuck in an endless stalemate whenever I try building up my forces, and then I end up divebombing the nuke and getting wiped instead.. cry

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I did it! As it turns out, you can just load the starting commandos into your IFVs and suicide charge the superweapons to blow them up within the first five minutes of the mission lol. After that, you can just turtle forever and even go and capture the soviet base to the right of your starting location for easy Apoc tank spam. It becomes a very easy mission once you do that, the difficulty dip is impressively steep
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Guys I need your help again....
How do I beat the final mission of the Soviet campaign? I haven't actually tried any major strats yet, I'm just curious if you have any good tips
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>How do I beat the final mission of the Soviet campaign?
You have to set the date on your computar to 26th of December, 1991.
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>How do I beat the final mission of the Soviet campaign?
here's teh real secret tip.. you'll need one of pic rel
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haa, you were right again. I made a strike team of Apocalypse tanks once I got my starter island defended and then I mostly just goofed off with nukes and Iron Curtains because I didn't want to stomp the allies too badly.
On a sidenote, this final mission is a LOT easier than the allied one. For some reason, after the first four Chronosphere strikes the AI never teleports more forces on top of your base again, even if you build a nuke silo. They only hammer you with constant Chronosphere strikes on the main island, and they just send 9 IFVs against you which can be killed by 2 Apocalypse tanks. Ignoring the mainland, you can basically defend your starter island forever with about 12 tesla troopers, a machinegun turret and about 15 flak troopers to kill the planes coming out of the teleported carrier. You do need to know where the Allies will strike you before they do so, but after that you can sit back and build up flak cannons forever because the AI never sends more ships against you either. Overall, this is mission is not just easier than the final allied mission, but also the mission before it where you have to dispose of Yuri. It makes me wonder if you were originally supposed to do the final mission BEFORE you strike Yuri's fortress rather than after it.
Oh well, off to Yuri's Revenge I go!

Pic related is my squad of the finest loli-driven Apocalypse tanks

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love this looks like a screencap from a junior idol video

can some1 give sauce pls blush
Why do Japanese men like to get their nipel sucked
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you're very insightful
I'm all willing to help fellow heyurizen, if not Chromium no baka wiping teh entire year of history after update
however, she were writing her name in the one of the screenshots, so you're lucky
it's 𝑺𝑲𝑩-𝟏𝟎 葉月めぐ
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another tummy, 𝑶𝑯𝑰-𝟎𝟐𝟗 りこ

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I went to a museum today and there was a photo of a loli spreading her legs.

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why doesnt this list include wttdh? angry
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Oh, the ironing. kuma6 lolico

Where is this from?
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