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File: shake.gif
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Does time travelling make your titties shake faster? unsure

Your fortune: mah pen0z is bigger than uurz
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>Does time travelling make your titties shake faster?
seems 2 be teh case glare

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I prefer teh TV one

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Teh TV animator: "I R DRAWINGZ \(^O^)/"
I'd need to see it action to make a decision
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herez sum water mellon, mai nigga biggrin nigra

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nigra OH LAWD nigra

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
shiet thx nigga i liek bawnzai mellan biggrinnigra

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what are you hoping to get for kurisumasu from santa-san? i asked santa for a few ichigo mashimaro figures and socks happy

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nothing (・∀・)

like, in an ideal world, there would be a few figures I want (´∇`)
in practice,it's not happening and I don't have a good place to display them anyway ┐(゚~゚)┌

Christmas time is too expensive. I will probably end up getting clothes from people.
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also, didn't mean to sage cry

have a cute sora as penance
>nothing (・∀・)
not even a bit of charcoal!? glare
>also, didn't mean to sage
all good smile
>have a cute sora as penance
arigatou biggrin

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During Sun's exile in Japan, he had relationships with two Japanese women: the 15-year-old Haru Asada, whom he took as a concubine up to her death in 1902, and another 15-year-old schoolgirl, Kaoru Otsuki, whom Sun married in 1905 and abandoned the next year while she was pregnant.[152] Otsuki later had their daughter, Fumiko, adopted by the Miyagawa family in Yokohama, who did not discover her parentage until 1951,[152] 26 years after Sun's death.


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that sounds like teh best exile evar

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wtf does that mean

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Assyrian, jresusalem? dizzy

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ao oni? more like ero oni...
>ao oni? more like ero oni...
new idea for a geimu... has anyone thought of that yet? nosebleed

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Can I have the creamsicle next? drool

Your fortune: Very bad luck
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>Can I have the creamsicle next?
sure! have a taste ヽ(´∇`)ノ

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Bulldoze that bitch outta there. angry

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she bought teh how 2 heyuri training tape

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4 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
While we were wasting our lives on the internet, she got Heyuri on her TV glare
that PENIS is nashi colored astonish
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What PS2? unsure
PS2 on head retarded
For the longest time i didn't know "fat" PS2 existed. I thought slims were the standard model

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You ever think of murdering someone?

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yeah biggrin it's fun imagining how 2 do it and how 2 get away with it ph34r

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When I open /b/ and the first thread has child porn

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awesome isn't it? you should check out /s/ ^_^
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its heyuri... mods remove cp only after a fap

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¥400000000000000000000 per kiss (non-negotiable)!

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Will this kiss be b4 or after u get hit by teh gender-bender UFO? banana

>Will this kiss be b4 or after u get hit by teh gender-bender UFO?
chu blush

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nigra YUI IS A NIGGER nigra
nigra UI IS A NIGGER nigra

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