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  • 日本のへゆり

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loli can do it!
lose weight fat kid! angry

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have you heard of html9? it has new html tags like <VAGINA> and <PENIS> smile

<PENIS size="huge">content</PENIS>
<VAGINA size="loli">content</VAGINA>
but can also be used like

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if you have PENIS and VAGINA styled in your css, you can use these tags today
you can use attr(size) to get access to the size parameters too lol

modern HTML lets you do so much lol
that's jQueryism! angry
vanilla is
this is from css, not JS lol

attr is the css way to access a property

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Szlachta baluje
Plebs pracuje!

Ja nie pracuję,
Mam kolokwium za 2 godziny
ale przynajmniej nie pracę

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I co zdany kolos? U mnie zdany cool
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Ciezko powiedziec, 50/50
Jak zwykle o punkt pewnie braknie
Magia minimalnego wysilku
Ale moze USOS zaskoczy, do tygodnia ma sprawdzic
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Gyug sden fvuj deo peepee yrjmng ollrbhfw!!! ヽ(´∇`)ノ
post Polish loli talking on video

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Walk in this nicely furnished house for sale, and don't forget to check out the back entrance! wink

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File: KnUGj did somebody say rape.gif
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Yes, and the music video too. biggrin
sign me up!
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home sweet home...
but rape is not gud and its scary

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did mao really have lin biao killed or was it actually a plane crash?

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why do people keep dyng in suspicious plane crash(;´Д`)
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As the Chinese proverb goes: sing fum wah, ching pong Mao. Mao ching pong. In English: when in doubt, trust Mao. Mao is trustworthy.


As the Chinese proverb goes: herro prease I rike egg flied lice (´人`)
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I love Mao. I was reading some of his talks in the uni library the other day. Everything he says is so warmhearted towards the common people.

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learning japanese with anki
it's pretty cool how i can deduce the meaning of some words thanks to some kanji, for example i understand that picrel generally means "the next" or "the thing after this" so i was able to understand that this coupled with the kanji for year means "next year", although it is also used in the word "come" which i can't immediately associate with that

the hardest thing is remembering how to say some words, i would repeat a word over and over in my head to memorize it, pass onto the next word, then get the same word again but i'd draw a total blank (all this in less than 30 seconds), this makes me feel like i have some mental issues (ρ_;)

going back to deducing words i understand that 日 generally means "day" as in day of the calendar so when i saw that 日曜日 means sunday i feel like in japan sunday is an important day somehow because it's basically "day + day of the week" and to me it feels like it means "the day among days", what do you think of my deductive powers ヽ(´ー`)ノ

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comput0r doll 😃

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does this imageboard have a catalog function dizzyi im confused and cannot find it(゚ー`)

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Mahou! iyahoo
it should be moved to near the reply box!!!!!
I like this girl's butt. biggrin

Your fortune: Your harem is only just begining

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do heyurizens love teh chiptunes?

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why is this song familiar
why the fuck is this song familiar
where in god's name have I heard this song before

seriously what the fuck this is hitting me like a fucking brick I am like 100% sure I have heard this song before

in fact, I'm almost certain this is a .xm module and you should probably re-render it with interpolation off too

what the fuck
was this from an OHC somewhere?
okay, mystery solved!

>in fact, I'm almost certain this is a .xm module
it is, https://modarchive.org/index.php?request=view_by_moduleid&query=169726
>you should probably re-render it with interpolation off too
was wrong, the file explicitly says to turn it on (why lmao)
>was this from an OHC somewhere?

and I very definitely last heard this tune between 14 and 10 years ago lol
what a fucking time warp, no wonder it felt like I was going nuts
Yes. See >>124195
I guess i'm a little late but congratulations sherlock biggrin

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Your fortune: Good luck

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that's a heug splash! biggrin

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ball-jointed doll! biggrin

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Boy! It sure is hot in here! I think I'll turn the thermostat down to 20F.
>Boy! It sure is hot in here! I think I'll turn the thermostat down to 20F.

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It's gonna be christmas in a month. Have you started preparing yet?

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I don't really celebrate christmas blush
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kaa-san put up teh christmas tree
Not yet, still too early banana
I'll put up my mini christmas tree next week, just as i do every year, but that's it
I'm too busy to keep up with the dates 😨

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LOL HEYURI! ヽ(´∇`)ノ

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(^Д^) arigatou
wasnt she boss
>wasnt she boss
yes, but she got promoted to heyuri! biggrin
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What an honor! (´∇`)
I think she really needs it right now... (;´Д`)
>I think she really needs it right now...
yeah emo hell, i will give her some corm too biggrin

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xptonguexp pero pero

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Even the PENIStraws are censored? sweat2

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
>Even the PENIStraws are censored?
you wouldn't want to risk teh nippon polices!!1!

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