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File: Alucard and Victoria.jpg
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The battles in the original Hellsing anime were kind of shitty. All of them involved 90% standing around and chit-chatting about whatever else was going on in the plot. The worst one was definetely the Seras Victoria vs the werewolf that was introduced as a big deal but simply got jobbed out right away

By the last episode i was jumping at the bit to finally witness what Alucard could do at full power but all of that was over with a slam from the sky and a cliché Go-past-each-other-at-the-same-time-but-only-one-survives attack

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The anime was bland. The plot, animation, and script writing were all shit, but anyone would expect Hellsing Ultimate to be a lot better in comparison due to being an OVA and having a larger pool of funding that wasn't all wasted by abandoning the manga's plot. The only thing the animation in the anime had going for it was it's simpler, darker themes(the OP image for example) that are arguably "cooler" than some scenes in the Ultimate.
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This extra from the DVD makes the anime look like the coolest thing ever
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I liek dis cat nyaoo2
Never understood why the major was in this when millennium was excluded from the anime

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I just had a dream about some Lucky Star special, where first the female characters would talk to each other on some field.
Then, one by one, they'd say one line and walk towards the camera and show their VAGINA, then walk off camera. Including the deer...
All while Sensei no Ojikan's opening played... Quite cathartic, i hope someone recreates that dizzy

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>then walk off camera. Including the deer
teh deer!!?
One day I'll git gud at koikatsu animation, and maybe I can recreate it! biggrin

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Has anybody else here read Neil Gayman's Sandman? ph34r

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File: Amanda Palmer.jpg
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Couldn't they have chosen a more flattering picture? Even the one right underneath it is way better Σ(゚д゚|||)
>Amanda Palmer.jpg
I used to read it religiously when I was in high school. It was alright. Don't remember too much, but the most interesting arcs were where Lucifer gave up Hell and the one with the serial killer convention.
My favorite one is at the beginning when some people stuck inside a café go crazy for 24 hours. The one where they go inside the dream world of an old lady that had been affected by Morpheus' capture was good too
I read up to the volume with Jack kirbys sandman because it was the only one my local library had

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Highly ravishable oneesan drool

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azunya~n NTR ヽ(´∇`)ノ

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yes she does i've seen it biggrin
it's probably smoll and cute blush
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It is! So small, you can't even see it!
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FALSE ri-chans PENIS is hueg!
With that extra appendage, she could play some killer rhythms astonish

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mmmm cicada love

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full of protein ヽ(´∇`)ノ
try soil next

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always take your neko on teh bus with you, it keeps teh ojisans entertained biggrin

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she also has four holes biggrin
but taking hymen into account it may be even 5, and all of them there huh
girlz are sugoi dizzy
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only three
vag and urethra are fake holes
interesting... neko-loli anatomy isn't as simple as i thought glare
what's this bacteria

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would you liek sum ronald cakey? happy

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Does it come with free cyanide? drool
>Does it come with free cyanide?
teh icing is maed of cyanide love

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Does anyone know wtf happened with 4-ch.net?

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boards are still up pretty sure it was due to CP spam, i hope 4-ch survives it's one of the last remnants we have left
it's as much of a remnant as 4chan is with all teh AIDS, but they claim it's an attempt to get rid of CP spam
you can still post there
Unlike 4chan, 4-ch still hosts decades worth of old content, which is the main reason I continue to use it. its nowhere near the amount of AIDS that 4chan currently has
>its nowhere near the amount of AIDS that 4chan currently has

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she should be careful when climbing up teh telephone pole, or else we'll be getting fried schoolgirl for lunch ( ´ω`)

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I'd still eat it. drool

Your fortune: You just lost the game
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What've you got against freshly baked bread? ┐(゚~゚)┌
>What've you got against freshly baked bread?
your pic is cute delicious looking... but nothingh can compare to teh smoking crispy flesh of a girl that has been fried drool
stuff it there! dance

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Club me to death please. nosebleed
>Club me to death please.
if u call her chubby, she'll immediately grant your request to be clubbed biggrin

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this is what was really under ika's hat ph34r

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I want to lick Squid Girl's VAGINA! biggrin
I wonder if her VAGINA juices are black too...
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Seems to be the case. ヽ(´∇`)ノ

Your fortune: Very bad luck
i'd happily lick ika's special place if i can taste her delicious ink juices

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loli can do it!
lose weight fat kid! angry

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