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Why is this making me hungry? drool
>Why is this making me hungry?
coz it's a delicious meal biggrin

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Heyuri Suicide Hotline nyaoo-closedeyes

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it has been incredibly long since I've thought about Sexy Losers
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What!? No bigger turn on than fucking a body with its head blown off!!
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if girls was suicidial i would gelp!! crycry

Signing a contract with a family that they will have a kid and that your soul will be reincarnated into that kid's body
Cloning yourself.

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Your fortune: Only time will tell

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wait he actualy put his dick theredark

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Nice fanart. (゚血゚#)
>Nice fanart. (゚血゚#)
thank you im a professional biggrin

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are they in bread world?
>are they in bread world?

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wow this is super hawt ntr with bull povtongue

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i cant provide more detailed description because i am at work anyway glare2
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i came when i saw this nosebleed
>In english, please
lol, u fail'd
short and bald cry not his fault cry
his wife is hot even if she is a whore too blush
>his wife is hot even if she is a whore too
whores ftw!
this is not netorare, this is just cheating! glare1


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We should start our own VN club, which would be similar to a book club, but we would be discussing Visaul Novels

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PENIS would be spoilered if bbcode wasnt dumb wink
>i decided on the swerve by greenblatt. its a brief history of a discovery that lead to rennaisance
No i co dotąd wyczytałeś? Co było tym odkryciem?
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jestem przed połową jeszcze, ale sekretarz antypapieża jana dwudziestego trzeciego był poszukiwaczem książek. literatura klasycystyczna była pogardzana w średniowieczu i ciężkodostępna, jednakże udało mu się odkryć "de rerum natura" lukrecjusza. dzieło to jest esencją filozofii epikurejskiej, czyli głoszącej naturalizm i ludzką pogoń za szczęściem. oczywiście, stoi to mocno w sprzeczności z dominującym chrześcijaństwem, gdzie pokuta, a wręcz samookaleczanie się stanowiło największą wartość.
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actually no in fact I like eroge
umineko might be interesting but the time sink is ridiculous. i spoilered myself higurashi and it was a right call. tempting to do the same but grandpas va is amazing

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Don't torture yourself, dark it's genuinely impossibly awful, even in comparison to other adaptations of Visual Novels (especially the ones with multiple choices)
I watched it and it's actually really good, one of my favorites even. Don't listen to this nerd, anonymous, follow your heart!
I know this is an imageboard but there's no need to be a contrarian for the sake of it dark Unless you're being ironic, then alright
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It fools kitties, too! biggrin
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why isn’t ankomon more well-known? she’s pretty cool and cute

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Do you still have english translation to that audio?
lolll you cant speak japanese ? tongue
uminekos bgm hope fits beautifully to this

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Not a problem. droolnosebleedblush

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i found a banana キタ━━━(・∀・)━━━!!

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>Now tape it to a wall and make millions of dollars from it.
LOL I PUT IT ON TEH WALL using blue tac
WINana banana
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ring ring ring ring ring ring ring, Banana Phone!
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Japanese bird cooking spaghetti

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teh best ingredient is cooking teh food drool
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Japanese bird installing Windows XP
>Japanese bird installing Windows XP
install! biggrin
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Kitteh is spying on ur bawls.

Your fortune: Good luck

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sex with the cat
don't bite my nuts pls (;´Д`)
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Did someone say balls?
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someone left teh doll in teh car

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I'M GONNA TOUCH IT!!! angryangryangry
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