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i want to squeeze her squishy boobies (´¬`)

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We all do TEH RAPEMAN, we all do 😌

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( ´ω`) (・∀・)

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Would still eat them. (゚ー`)

Your fortune: Dark times are to come
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>Would still eat them. (゚ー`)
watch out! because if you eat it, your face will permanently become the kaomoji the apple has
But my face already looks like that. ┐( ´ω`)┌

Your fortune: We don't know what happens next
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Then I'll eat them in ascending order of beauty

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Put that back this instant, missie. angry
>Put that back this instant, missie.
she'll behead you next (゚血゚#)

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What are Sanae's ten desires?

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>What are Sanae's ten desires?
here's a question i can answer! ヽ(´∇`)ノ

1. my cock
2. my cock
3. my cock
4. my cock
5. my cock
6. my cock
7. my cock
8. my cock
9. my cock
10. my cock

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kururu presents todays weather forcast... ☁☔

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You lucky bastard. I wish I had snow
>staining a shelf for my figures
What does this mean? Shade them?
He probably meant wood staining - it"s how u maek wooden stuff look good
can u do some wood staining on my face?
>can u do some wood staining on my face?
sure, just polish teh wood first ヽ(´∇`)ノ

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Oops, she tripped over! dizzy

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>Oops, she tripped over!
excellent ヽ(´∇`)ノ blushnosebleed
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Your fortune: Godly luck

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Great show. One of the all-time classics.

Your fortune: Your true waifu will reveal herself

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Which Disney princess would you fuck?

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I would throw them all in a trash compactor. ヽ(´∇`)ノ

Your fortune: You just lost the game
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Eilonwy but the canon one with red hair.
This question was asked here before... and my answer is still "all of them, without stopping"!
Ariel, Snow White, then the rest of them.
As a kid, I always had the hots for those two, however.

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were we ever alive to BE killed?
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>were we ever alive to BE killed?
just junk emo

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I just shit my pants. ヽ(´∇`)ノ

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

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The challenge:
1. Ensure that you are using WINDOWS 11 (auto FAIL if you aren't! angry)
2. Try the following shortcut: Win+Ctrl+Alt+Shift+L

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it still does that on windows Vista lol
it still does that on windows XP lol
>1. Ensure that you are using WINDOWS 11 (auto FAIL if you aren't!
it still does that on windows 2000 lol
me-tan hot

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I beat Ocarina of Time on the recommendation of someone here. This is the only Zelda game I've completed all the way through and for the most part I liked it. Some of the movement felt kind of clunky, but that was mostly limited to moving around. The boss fights were all surprisingly fun even when they weren't very difficult. Saria is cute and I wanted to give her a kiss! Never got sick of seeing her run up and wave in that opening scene.

What game should I play next? First reply decides:
Half-Life 2 (2004)
Hollow Knight (2017)
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty (2001)
Shadow of the Colossus (2005)
Final Fantasy VII (1997)
Silent Hill (1999)
Bayonetta (2010)
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl (2007)
Catherine (2011)
Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura (2001)

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Rollercoaster is a 10/10 game!
OP here, I actually am generally biased towards PC titles and retro arcade games and recently I've been making an effort to get out of my bubble and try things that are newer or different from my usual taste. This list is kind of a hodgepodge of things that friends have recommended me and that I want to try for their sake, "canonical" choices that I'm experimenting with trying out, and other random ones that interest me.

btw, I played Monkey Island along with some other classic LucasArts point-and-clicks last year and Monkey Island 2 earlier this year. It was pretty awesome, but I did prefer Day of the Tentacle on the whole. Harvester is the best point-and-click I've played so far though. I like those kinds of games but I find them most fun to play with friends. If you have any particular suggestions, feel free to give them to me.

Also note: At the same time I am playing one of these games I am normally reading a visual novel and perhaps playing some kind of arcade game for a 1cc/high score at the same time. I'm working on a 1cc of Ketsui right now but I want something that I can save and come back to off and on at the same time for when I'm in the mood for something slightly less intense. ┐(゚~゚)┌
>I'm working on a 1cc of Ketsui right now
ganbatte mate
Congrats, OP! blush
What was your favorite and least favorite dungeon?
Good question. I didn't really dislike any of the dungeons. I don't understand the apparent hate for the Water Temple, except that raising and lowering the water levels over and over did get a bit old. I suppose my least favorite would just be the Bottom of the Well and most favorite would be the Spirit Temple just because I found it more engaging as the game became more challenging.

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Bah, I don't need to kill anyone.

Show me exactly what I need to do to FUCK ANYONE!!! ヽ(´∇`)ノ
without force of course, otherwise I could just become a Rapeman and I wouldn't need the eyes
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massive win lmao
LOL I remember this one
I amso drunk my hoopetta feel like they doesn't belong to me dizzy
I made two guys wear yuru yuri cosplay but I don't feel my face anymore

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Let's write gangsta rap lyrics one word at a time, I'll start.


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well, "rape me" - Kurt.
alright nigra here it is nigra http://up.heyuri.net/src/4082.mp3
My Bitch NIGGER isn't an tomato because you are a HOE (yeah) miu PENIS is isn't sweet just WAHA nigga weed rapes FUCK DA POLICE (LOL) lord, DESU BOKU tempts me to NIGHA Cuz' I'm AmeriKKKa's kawaii BIGGEST hoe! I AM

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