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Post videos that smell like Christmas

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I gotya
dino poop
Lame! She doesn't even shit... glare1
I think the toilet got humiliated enough when she cracked that big ass toot right on his little face
Poor toilet-kun cryemo

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is this a boletus?

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>is this a boletus?
not sure, try eating it biggrin

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usually i hate namefags, but you're alright. post
that is all

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Thx for the links ( ´ω`) I feel it's been proven people will shitpost and flame regardless of the lack of accounts, though I believe alot of his points in the original essay about anonymity countering vanity still ring true, and it's why I prefer anonymous forums where users tend to not care as much about their e-peen. Anonymous imageboards still tend not to be bastions of quality, quite the opposite really, but when it works, it's a powerful force and creates an enigmatic culture that's hard to replicate. case in point: Heyuri (・∀・)
shii was right on accident, as is often the case (corollary: shii is often wrong)

I absolutely remember all the dumb bullshit from the forum era and people with 10k+ posts acting like they were gods among swine despite basically being know-nothing-NEETs (sometimes literally, and it was much harder to be online 24/7 back in 2004 vs today, where I can just post at work). Anon posting kills that shit dead. The post is all, the history of the poster is irrelevant.

anon posting also introduces its own categories of problem as seen on 4chan among other boards, but ┐(゚~゚)┌
>Anon posting kills that shit dead. The post is all, the history of the poster is irrelevant.
Not entirely true. While Anonymous might not be judging your exact post history, he frequently assumes your identity to be one of the various groups/individuals he doesn't like - which in many cases is someone who is new, an outsider, a shill, etc.

I personally prefer to post anonymously, but I don't think everyone posting as "Anonymous" is what makes imageboards good. I'd opt for a friendly atmosphere with pseudonyms over a hostile atmosphere with "anons" any day - when I arrived at Heyuri in 2020, it was much more the former sweat2
a lot of that is unchecked 4chan culture that 4chan probably should have taken steps against like 16-17 years ago but instead let things fester forever ( ´,_ゝ`)
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I'm with you on that. I connected with some special people on early /jp/ because of the name and trip culture it once had. Normals use anonymity to escape their social media accounts. That is the only use anonymous imageboards have to them, i.e., the imageboard part of it is of comparatively little value to them. More and more, posters don't even use images, and when they do, they might attach some awful image they saved on their phone from some mega-popular website. No proper filename, folder organization, cultural impact, or OC....
Technically speaking, it isn't even about pure anonymity to them. Anonymity is just a way for them to circumvent censorship. If there were no censorship, they would have never been interested in being anonymous. For them it is merely the only viable counter-action. They openly say as much "elsewhere" (4chan.)"Everywhere else is shit. There's nowhere else to go." They seem to think anonymous imageboards are forums as well. Maybe some people would technically consider all boards a type of forum, but that's not what I'm talking about — my point is that imageboards are becoming much more popular, and newer people barge in without the slightest clue what they are; "imageboard" does not even seem to be a term in their vocabulary, so they just use forum as a substitute.

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I wonder what it's like to be a lolicon in the DPRK?

The NK lolis seem very smart and mature for their age unlike the modern American trash.

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If you can afford rice, you can get as many rori blowjobs as you want.
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Kim probably gets them all the time.
what a heartwarming and inspiring photo of the youth with the supreme leader of PRIVATE KOREA astonish

He loves touching their butts. biggrin love kuma6

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this guy feels like what all of those memey western anime artists who are a dime-a-dozen nowadays tried to achieve and failed either for lack of skill or excessive lameness
I am like 90% sure he draws in PaintBBS like we have on /o/, hence the resolution.
dont mock meangryangry
genius at work........
This artist draws once in a while on the doodle boards of Futuba Channel. Uncensored too.

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desktop thread????

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Here is a pack of desktopz
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So you guys prefer your desktops plain? I see your vanilla desktops and I raise you a decorated desktop.
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best desks ever

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why heyuri is now colored like youtube

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Heh nigra

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Cool art. Too bad this was made for teen girls. I'm sorry, but in recent years, teen girls are the worst group to make anything for.
Recent years? unsure
teenage girls are an interesting demographic. Especially ones interested in VNs and things. heyuri lost a lot of good ones to rule0 ;_;7
It used to be more likely that they could do things like make and take jokes.
There are few still around that can make jokes, I don't know about taking jokes

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Why are his arms orange?unsure

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I thought that was his PENIS. glare

Your fortune: Your true waifu will reveal herself
they're dipped in hot sauce biggrin
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you bet hes gonna touch his keyboard with those hands

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Heyuri, please teach me the TRUE Japanese culture (´人`)

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So this is the pinnacle of Japanese culture. Magical! ヽ(´∇`)ノ
if you are a girl prepare to get pregnant in train without noticing anything until 2nd month
if you are a boy order your cheese gyuudon, listen to miku and browse heyuri nyaoo2

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Well? 😳

Your fortune: Dark times are to come

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I slept for 16 hours. My body is clearly trying to hibernate because of the cold and society is evil for making me wake up.

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I need all the cardboard I can get to make 1000 moar cutouts of sayaka maizonoキタ━━━(・∀・)━━━!!
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Problem solved
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but sleeping under the sun is very pleasant.
There is no contradiction here. Going to sleep at sunrise means that you are sleeping in the sun.
I wish I could sleep for more than 8h... it basically never happens, and I rarely have the time to even attempt it...

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otaku know what's up
this shit comes clean

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doused in hot sauce and lemon/lime juice
metal and round ;-;
i dont liek round metal chopsticks
round because you cant grab it
metal because it always slips
to any and everyone get a 2/3 usd pair of nice wooden square chopsticks
ive been using mine for ages and they are as good as new (better than new actually since they have degraded thanks to my saliva a bit and they catch easier)

but eat teh chips with them??? insanity

he made them soggy so that it sticks dizzy
chopsticks must be sticky as the name says
>round because you cant grab it
i mean you cant put it into hand firmly and they slip from the hand
>metal because it always slips
i mean you cant grab food with it and it slips

double fail
i tried metal ones once and they are a pain unless food is very very sticky or very very high friction, forget about ramen or dipped soba or anything dipped in liquid with metal ones
>doused in hot sauce and lemon/lime juice
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I don't like the romantics they are too romantic
maybe you need... more romance?

*kisses you* *moans*
Romancing in a romance thread 💗love💗
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romance 💗love
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