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  • 日本のへゆり

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File: Date with Heyuri tan.png
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I had a power outage all day. What have I missed?

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The text is backwards...
There was "that" thread, but we all agreed to delete it and never speak of its contents again...
>There was "that" thread, but we all agreed to delete it and never speak of its contents again...
i made a oath to nevar speak of it EVER again ph34r

File: Daytona USA (Japan).png
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even though Daytona's first Saturn release runs at 20fps and has a draw distance of like 10 meters in front of you, the handling is almost comically better than the updated, nicer looking CCE release
it just feels vastly better to play

real shame, I wish there was a version that both looked and handled well on the machine, you only get to pick one ( ´,_ゝ`)
It's genuinely fascinating how big of a step-down CCE is from the original Saturn version.
It feels significantly slower, the handling is ridiculously stiff, the drift mechanic is completely busted to the point of being unusable, the iconic original car models were replaced with the most generic designs imaginable, and the legendary vocal tracks were brutally mutilated into instrumentals that range from forgettable to borderline intolerable. The game overall feels like it had all its personality stripped out to be just another disposable racing game to throw onto the pile, it looks pretty and runs well, but at what cost?closed-eyes
honestly, I'm glad I live in the future and can just emulate the arcade releases instead of having to suffer with Sega's poor business acumen
I'm annoyed I can't buy Daytona 1 on PC, but again, there's a Model 2 emulator ヽ(´∇`)ノ

and just as bad, I am still annoyed that Daytona 2's home port is locked to Like a Dragon since I would absolutely buy it separately (and it must have been some amount of effort to do the port)
my computer can in fact run Supermodel to emulate it, but that feels stupid ┐(゚~゚)┌

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all of you win a free puchiko nyu~ iyahoo

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Free onahole! iyahoo

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萌 is the shit nigra

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hai, i made you a present! biggrin

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It's rape, isn't it? closed-eyes
>It's rape, isn't it?
i can neither confirm nor deny the scenario that the present contains or involves rape iyahoo

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you must pat this neko

Your fortune: Godly luck

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Your fortune: Dark times are to come
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bad kitty ヽ(`Д´)ノ
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Ok! biggrin

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==Dad it tickles!==

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...but i'm not your father! (;´Д`)

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anyone have a 'garbage of an egg'? unsure

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Eggs are nature's miracle food. You should eat them more often. biggrin
>You should eat them more often.
should i eat them raw? nyaoo

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o-oh~ blush

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Shall we do it? ( ´ω`)
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What a load of ass xd
>What a load of ass
an ass-load of ass iyahoo
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>Alright... i'll go out with you...
that makes things much easier iyahoo
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/jp/ Ranfag killed himself exactly 2 years ago sad

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21 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
makes sense why her shrine is so unpopular
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T-take that back! angry
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No money! No money!
Everybody laugh at this poverty stricken excuse of a shrine maiden! m9(^Д^)
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Tohno admin should install certbot already

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draw your waifu with teh tegaki

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I love you, anon-san.
>I love you, anon-san.
saliva (´∇`)lovelovelove

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