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Hello, for a long time I have had the idea of ​​creating an imageboard with kokonotsuba current heyuri software but I don't have money, what do you recommend I do?

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It is easy to make a lamp in a vps with debian 12, it is easier than you think and yes, it is worth it
If you want to contact me to make an imageboard, do it here: sygsawr@proton.me
Why fap when you already fapped 100s of times glare2
Don't know why imageboards need to be a "market". A lot of boards have proper CSAM blockers now thanks to the fixes from sushichan (including wapchan, 39chan, rottingangels and others). Hikari3 doesn't because it runs on Lynxchan instead of vichan.
Kokonotsuba is super janky and the default config is heavily intertwined with heyuri links if I remember correctly. There's no real reason to use it when you can style vichan to look the same and perform much better.
nice to see some other knowledgeable anon

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While you were wasting your life on the internet, i beat The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX

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Sounds like a dream come true...
That's yours? Very cool biggrin

Marin > Zelda. The talk on the beach and the singing on Animal Village genuinely touched my heart
You ever played the original black and white version before? And if not, do you intend to play it someday?
You bet I do. As I understand it, the DX version added the hints and an optional dungeon (which i didn't complete x3)
Whenever I feel like replaying LA it's going to be the original version, but who knows when that's going to be. Beating a Zelda game always leaves me exhausted. They're very dense titles

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👧 dance2 (゚ー`)
Where do we go now? How about rehab? closed-eyes2

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One in a million is their greatest workxd✌✌

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I INSTALLED WINRAR iyahoo iyahoo iyahoo WINRAR leads to win rite?

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only if you paid for the license..........
>only if you paid for the license..........
oh shit...😰
Evaluate deez nutz, bitch. I will never pay for your stupid program. cool
nutz evaluated. very small

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Japanese dog jumping through 5 hoops! 😱

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>Japanese dog jumping through 5 hoops
not sure if i believe that... i count 8 hoops (^Д^)
It's four hoops dammit!!!angry
where are teh hoops? unsure
Teh hoops are the frends he made along teh hop

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that's not where teh pen is meant to go...

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Kore ka
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face-full of a doll

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angry just let her stay on you
NAY THOU angryangryangry
i wish ^_^
this was meant to be a reply to >>126424 but i FAIL'd
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Get this junk of my face!!! angry

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how are you learning /did you learn japanese? Any recommendations? Currently following RTK

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I have decided to go with the brute force and ignorance approach of using subs2srs.

I don't have corresponding Japanese subs for the vast majority of shows I've watched, which is why I didn't bother before, but I decided that even a bad solution is better than me giving up and not doing anything.
I've been marking up cards with notes and grammar as I go along.

Probably not the best way to go about it, but honestly, I just need something that feels like I'll be able to progress with, and being able to attempt to understand a single episode of an anime cleanly is a very manageable goal.

Even if the subs are wrong, you can just like, edit the card, and even if you don't know enough to know that the subs are wrong... eventually you will.
>being able to attempt to understand a single episode of an anime cleanly is a very manageable goal
I tried this with a 3 minute episode and gave up which proves that it's not manageable at all
How did you go about it, and what anime?
Like, if we're in that 3 minute range, I'd probably go nuts if I tried to do it on Teekyuu instead of Precure starting out, every single sentence is spoken at Mach 6.
Ichigo Mashimaro episode 0 with word cards, maybe it wasn't the best choice to start with because it has so many uncommon words like oxygen and spacesuit. If I ever try again maybe I should try sentence cards and something easier like Wataten which is rated as one of the easiest on JPDB. The real challenge is grammar though and I haven't found any fun way (not reading) to learn it. Cure Dolly's videos are the best I've found but it sounds like she has mouth cancer or something and videos with bright white backgrounds are an eyesore, though I could just turn the screen's brightness way down.
Learning a skill theoretically counts as "training", which means people in this thread are no longer NEETs, just NEEs (knees lol)

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the money should be donated to little girls to better their luxury lives
>Supposedly there was some at UniCon Latvia
i was there too, wasn't everyone? unsure
>wasn't everyone?
I wasn't... I didn't even know it was happening until much later, much less that it was in Latvia...

Still bitter about it dark
>UniCon Latvia
Missed oportunity, it should've been called PotatoCon biggrin

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name this spider i found

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ugly faggot spider
or maybe Johnny
you are peter parker

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You make me pop my top. blush

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I would have pulled it out before it blew. EZ cooking.wink👌

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How can a man be expected to get one full internet in this economy (;´Д`)
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>How can a man be expected to get one full internet in this economy (;´Д`)
hah, i wasn't asking for excuses, CONSIDER YOUR SMEGMA CLEANED!
Wait, no! What if I give you... Uh... 1 puchiko, 2 ethernets, and a tricycle ?????? cry
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I can add U.S. Robotics 0637 56K PCI modem (slightly used), LevelOne WAP-0003 wireless access point and 100 used 1ml syringes (fancy glass ones)

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