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Is this advertising a sperm bank? closed-eyes

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Safety first. biggrin
safety optional 😄

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Do you ever watch older p0rnz and henati? I've noticed that even among people fascinated with "retro" stuff, they usally avoid older porn, not sure why

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because most of the art pretty bad. Usually most hentai anime have lower quality than regular anime, or hentai static illust. The retro style works best when it's a high effort/talent product. I mean look at the tits/nipple/face OP posted. Doesn't feel ero at all
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I think the tits are actually shaped pretty well. Not too big, and well shaded. Otherwise I kind of agree.sweat2
I watch a lot of early 2000's German piss movies. Shit's so hardcore and funny, it is unbeatable. I also have some Japanese stuff from that era, but it is hard to get.

By the way, all my pr0n clips are at least 6 y.o. (clips, guys, clips! not teh models), and many of them are 10-14 y.o.. Over the years I have collected some clips I found most erotic, and I keep watching them over and over again. Somehow never stuff doesn't appeal to me.
older IRL stuff is pretty good
hot women are still hot throughout history ヽ(´∇`)ノ

older drawn stuff is mostly worse though (´~`)
I am almost willing to say that ero art has never stopped getting better
a ton of the hentai shit I jacked it to in 2006 wouldn't have even been saved to disk if I saw it today, outside of nostalgia
even Japanese doujin productions were way less on model before
modern art workflows have helped immensely, along with nips discovering what pussy looks like due to western ero material (⌒∇⌒ゞ)
old circle anco pics have some of the worst looking manko I e ever seen (;´Д`)

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we are not in 2006 anymore grandpa get a grip gaddamnit closed-eyes
>we are not in 2006 anymore grandpa
LIES!! angry
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>we are not in 2006 anymore
But it says so right there...
STOP! or I'll use the truth bomb dark

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r8 my ironman account on osrs. I been playing nonstop for a month now.

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>I been playing nonstop for a month now.
lies! you've been playing since teh year 3000!
no not at all, this is a months worth of grinding. I can post proof nyaoo-closedeyes
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You look very minmaxy and STUPID with 0 fashion and you're using soulless cheat addons so I'm going to rate it 0/10.

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Half a year ago, I was conscripted to the army. Next week I will be promoted to a Corporal and when the next batch of conscripts arrive next month, I will lead a squad of them.
I am to teach them everything I know. I admit I am a little nervous, but also excited. sweat

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bring us back trinkets of war iyahoo
My grandpa was also conscripted to the army and then promoted to a corporal, but that was like 80 years ago sweat2
I think I have the right to suddenly start from a higher rank than some people who has already been in the service during my compulsory military service
But I'll try to do something for not doing it at all, shit sux from what I hear from everyone xd
How does that happen?
Starting from a higher rank? Depends on level of education here (and I think in a lot of places)
As for ways to skip, there are health excuses and some other kinds of stuff (such as providing picz of u getting buttfux0red to prove ur teh ghey, though personally I won't use this hand) that can make men exempt nyaoo-closedeyes

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I'm tired of being made fun of for being part of the Church of Latter Day Saints just because some idiots watched a south park episode about it and think that they know everything about the church and its tradition. So I will introduce you to some important words in church history that many who get their enjoyment out of HARASSING innocent members of the Church of Latter Day Saints should keep in mind

>Joseph Smith said that if he ever had the opportunity to enact a death penalty law, he "was opposed to hanging" the convict; rather, he would "shoot him, or cut off his head, spill his blood on the ground, and let the smoke thereof ascend up to God."
>Young appeared to advocate the passage of a law that required decapitation for whites who were "condemned by the Law" for miscegenation with black people (Young 1852).[55] He told the legislature that miscegenation was a grave sin that would bring a curse upon a man and all of his children that were produced as a result of the union (Young 1852). He said that if a white Mormon "in an unguarded moment should commit such a transgression", decapitation "would do a great deal towards atoning for the sin...it would do them good that they might be saved with their Bre[theren]"
>Arguing for a purer theocracy, he stated that it is the right of the church "to kill a sinner to save him, when he commits those crimes that can only be atoned for by shedding his blood.... We would not kill a man, of course, unless we killed him to save him." (Grant 1854, p. 2)
>On December 31, 1855, Pratt pressed the Utah Territory legislature to "[m]ake death the penalty for fornication and adultery."

>In 1866, Thomas Coleman (or Colburn), a former slave who was in good standing as a member of the LDS Church, was murdered. As the Mormon historian D. Michael Quinn has documented, Coleman was apparently secretly courting a white Mormon woman, contrary to both territorial law and contemporaneous Mormon teachings regarding people of African descent.
>Not all of Coleman's wounds correlated with the temple ritual, however, since he was also castrated. A pre-penciled placard which read "NOTICE TO ALL NIGGERS - TAKE WARNING - LEAVE WHITE WOMEN ALONE" was then pinned to his corpse.

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Yeah that's rlly interesting... but who are you quoting?? sweat3
hmm... you know, that is something
they are in fact direct quotes, but not from a post

I guess you should technically use the bbcode quote tag (literally just the word quote in square brackets). ┐(゚~゚)┌
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12 + 12 = 2024


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As if that ⑨ ばか knew anything about maths. How did she become a "professor" anyway? Professor of what, freezing frogs?
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Hey, don't make fun of Cirno! You'll regret it when she totally schools your dumbass! She's the smartest, don't you forget it! (゚血゚#)
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why, the answer is 9 of course
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let me tell you some real math
6 upside down that's a 9
3+3+3 is 9
she looks soooo fucking stupid

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Famous child rapist, S*NSEI, dies at age 32.

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launched! iyahoo
I would be scared shitless. If you don't land the right, you could hit the water the wrong way and kill yourself.
my brother once landed wrong after jumping from a small cliff and had major kidney problems afterwards. scary dark
If you held your knees and put yourself in the fetal position wouldn't you always land right?

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I beat Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow.
Ask away. (´人`)

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>was it epic geimu?
Actually, I think I enjoyed it less than I did Aria of Sorrow. Not a bad game overall, but I didn't like the seal system - having to draw some abra cadabra geometric shit within a short time limit* so that the developers grant you the privilege of the beating the boss is heresy and I hope the intern at Konami who thought of this thinking it would be his career start was burned at the stake for this heinous crime. angry

And I also think there was too much grinding. Not for levels per se, but money. All the damn money to buy the damn potions. If I hit a road block, I would go back and grind for moar moneys so that I could stock up on healing items. I never really felt that with AoS; you can grind if you want but the souls and items you acquire along the way empower you enough as is that it's not necessary to beat the game.

*I'm aware there's a hack that gets rid of it, but I played the unpatched original and by the time I realized it rlly sux, it was far too late.
But did you beat while we were wasting our lives on the internet?
I did, in fact, beat it while you were all wasting your lives on the internet. lolico

But it's countered by myself having wasted my own on the internet too. dark
How would you rate the sorrow in the dawn compared to the aria? nagato
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You watch your girlfriend get killed in one ending, which is quite sorrowful indeed, but then you become Dracula anyway and wreck the shit out of that stupid whore cult leader.
Aria isn't very sad at all, just theatric and kinda corny. So it has that going for it.

6.5/10 Needs moar sorrow ( ´,_ゝ`)

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Good stealth strategy, license plate readers blush too hard to see it. blush
>Good stealth strategy, license plate readers blush too hard to see it.
organized crime needs 2 innovate cool

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chibi sadako, how cute blush

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is this real?
>is this real?
yes. does it look faek to you? unsure
No, it's too realistic to be fake

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