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File: pillows.gif
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bonar! iyahoo

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what is she doing to this cat? (;´Д`)

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You never heard of a headjob?
>You never heard of a headjob?
no!? (;゚Д゚) ...but i want one ( ´ω`)
don't eat teh nekocry

File: imageboard.onion.png
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I recently gave myself the task of building my own imageboard but for the tor network and I finally got it.


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It's the thought that counts
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they are known for it for quite some time now

federal law and german police is butthurt about everything and every site you visit from germany is logged
i hope this one thrives, the last tor imageboard i posted on was so slow that my question got 1 reply in 5 months (not even a helpful reply)
the imageboard is down
i wonder if he went to sleep and turned off his computer
that would highly suggest he is european!!!
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danke for cooperation, Mr. Anonymous!
you got 15 social credits!

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What does teh "C" button do?

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When you get bored of the plain white look of the system, press C to change color
>Makes the bed
then sleeps in it 💤
Makes crabs rave on your screen
c is for cum!
>c is for cum!
so that's why it's white (´人`)

File: Heyuri green rabbit.png
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The internet is too centralized. Let's share websites outside the social media bubble

Independent film writing of various kinds. High quality writing, in my opinion. Pretty much left-leaning, though, so be aware

Castlevania fan-site that was updated since the late 90s up until the early 2010s.

Extensive guides for retro RPGs

A bunch of fun games and little concepts

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here, i got a epic one
glad you found teh hot girl hotcool
never giving up a opportunity to shill my imageboard lmao https://rottingangels.org/home.html

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I know some of you live or have lived in japan at some point, so I'll ask you a question. A friend of mine is currently in nippon and I want him to buy me and old digital camera, but where should he look for something like that? I know there's plenty of shops selling old video games and such, so it shouldn't be that hard. In my country, the best place to look for something like that would be an used goods store, but I really don't know anything about japanese society besides the superficial stuff you learn from anime and manga. Can anyone help me?

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I forgot to mention he's in tokyo dark

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is santa real

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that hand is so mangled that Santa will replace your Christmas dinner with coal for it ( ´ω`)

you will eat coal (;´Д`)
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Santa is collecting christmas milk from those who are nice
HOT Miu love
leave out miu milk and ana cookies for santa biggrin
miu can milk my prostate kuma6

File: Dr. Columbine.mp4
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Anyone got some classics saved? Jewtube deleted a lot of them.

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RIP Eric and Dylan. They will live forever in our memes and OCs
File: U.N Owen was Harris.mp4
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Here's another one
You got any more?
File: The Forever Gunner.mp4
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Yes, but it's the last Touhou-Columbine related I could find on my disk, sumimasen sweat3
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waha plus banana divided by emo times mona2 - kuma6 = ?
if you can solve this unsolved equation you win teh internet

what's teh answer?

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File: solvd.png
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Lol done. None of these variables can go into one another so it is already solved. Gimme mai interbuttz
>Gimme mai interbuttz
t-taek it! you win teh interbuttz
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Thank you! Thank you!! Oh man, I don't know where to begin. I want to start by thanking Anonymous, he was always there when I needed some lulz. Gosh, I just can't beleive I'm here. This Interbuttz goes out to all of anonymous! Lulz for everyone man! o also mai parentz or whatever. This is going on my nightstand so I can look at it every night!

File: Inblom.mp4
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SWF Embed

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i rock'd
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SWF Embed
best track

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I am... train man

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how much does it cost to ride you?
do u even fit in that box?
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I love the story

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a doll is taking her pet servant for a walk (;゚Д゚)

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where would a doll take their pets to anyways?
love hotel
the look the front desk will give him --->( (;゚∀゚) )
>love hotel
going to a love hotel with shinku sounds nice (´¬`)

File: Eh!? Nandatte!?-dEvsGC-iMhs.mp4
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Eh!? Nandatte!?

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i was young /a/ adept
All TV anime is "seasonal"...

And what do you watch all day? OVAs?
ok mr smartpants?

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I was playing Metal Gear on MSX but got distracted when asked if i wanted to continue after dying. Just lost hours and hours of progress

FUCK ME angry I don't even have an image on my hard drive to illustrate my mixture of frustation and disappointment cry

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Your fortune: Bad luck
>I don't even have an image on my hard drive to illustrate my mixture of frustation and disappointment

But I do have a sound to illustrate your mixture of frustation and disappointment:

Pretty much. I went through the length of the recordings and turns out i lost like a 2 and a half hours since my last save state. ORZ
You stupid asshole. You fucking moron. You blockheaded, bumbling, good-for-nothing oaf. Why, you're as thick as two short planks. You imbecile.
if i must

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