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  • 日本のへゆり

  • 2024/09/12 - NEW GAME: Battle Royale R! Make characters and see if they can win the Heyuri Cup!
  • 2024/09/10 - Tegaki function has been added
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  • 2024/06/11 - Overboard@Heyuri is back after 4 years
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You are O•BA•KA

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You are O•BA•MA
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I am?!
You Are WI•N•RAR

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is there a tag for this hand gesture? i love cocky brats~!!

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Mesugaki (メスガキ) is the term to use for cocky female brats. Osugaki (オスガキ) is the male equivalent

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me and my PENIS are well familiar with mesugaki tag but i wondered if that gesture has a dedicated name
that seems to be the closest. thank you!
>but i wondered if that gesture has a dedicated name
>i hear "fufufu" whenever i see that gesture so try that
On Danbooru, it's tagged as ojou-sama_pose. Not sure if other sites use this tag, but I thought it rather fitting.

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you killed Konata and the other two girls crycry
>you killed Konata and the other two girls
whoops (;´Д`)

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Nippon ichi!!! blush

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it would be worth it to bet mauled in that years KOF if I could just come in contact with Mai's ass (*´¬`*)
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Needs moar pixels!
ero in... HD! iyahoo

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Your fortune: Tomo will strangle you in your sleep
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Hello /b/. If anyone here plays oldschool yu-gi-oh!, and thinks they're good enough to have a chance, they should play me for the title of "Duel Master of Heyuri". I already know who the master is, I just want to make it official (`ー´)

You can play via YGOPRO

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I guess this is my capcode now. If anyone challenges my title, register on DB or ygopro and make your username known
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MAD thread?
ill play u in edison format if ur up for the challenge op cool
I prefer traditional format, do you concur?
If on dueling book, look for "Heyuri Duel Master" and the password is "BOKU". For observers, watch password is desu

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post teh best panchira you can find iyahoo

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i left my clothes outside and they got wet. also hello agian


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o hai. waiet j00 aren't 18 yet ヽ(`Д´)ノ

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lol. biggrin

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Too much spicy curry, Haruhi? (;゚Д゚)
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seems so (;´Д`)

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Happy chanukah

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that's a sick lookin watch iyahoo
I am Jewish, but I always preferred Christmas. ( ´ω`)
Me too. Hanukah isn't as fun

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