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this cakey in front of you... is a lie! it doesn't exist!! so you can't eat it (´∇`)σ

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*sigh* if only there was a real cake around sweat3
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Cake isn't a lie, the problem is that Chell already ate it
greedy chell angry
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Even. :)

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Today I took a cold shower. I was hesitant to try cold showers because I don't usually believe in self improvement bullshit but after taking a cold shower I can say it feels great. I'm not sure I would take a cold shower if it wasn't Summer though. sweat2

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cold showers sound liek torture...
I've done it a couple of times this summer, i don't know about any benefits that this has apart from it making exiting the shower much easier nyaoo
Maybe you do feel slightly better for some time, like after masturbating or smoking a cig kinda way
If I have to shower I take cold ones too, easier on bills nyaoo-closedeyes
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I don't take cold showers but I take them in the dark sometimes. It's a great feeling.

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Rated E for Everyone

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I am a fashionista
tiny heads (´∇`)σ
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heyuri I have a confession to make...
I only started being an otaku around 15 yo, which i think is very late. Now I have a job and other things, its eating most of my time. I see japanese ppl who know all the episodes of precure, or doraemon. I see dudes on imageboards who have opinions on all anime that ever existed, but I forgot the plot of anime i watched 4 years ago...

I missed the bus... I feel like i'll never have the time to watch all the cool stuff that interests me. my anime list keeps growing and I only finish a series every month
How do fellow company slaves find the time...?

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I already feel old in 20s and miss being a teenager liek characters in animu, then I remember there are otaku on internet more than x2 of my age. ph34r
> I doesn't separate new vs. old - so new anime get released year after year. All of it is really good
Incorrect, new shit sucks and it's only going to get worse as DEI is slowly getting ahold of Japan
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hello. i was tsundere for anime (strong attachment to wanting to fit in and not become an outcast/be more normie) and only started watching stuff around 16. from what i can gather from your post is that more than just a failure to pursue anime, it is likely that life stress has caught up to you. time to heal, time to grow in that healed state to be more mature and face the world with more craft, is necessary to overcome the critical collapse of that loving self sustaining energy that normally fuels the self to act in love and kindness in all things. i pray for you my friend, as i myself am still such a slave to my past and pursuit of pleasure to abate it, running from healing and the more emotionally attuned self i see myself as becoming after healing. please do not despair, and if you have reliable people to turn to to give you a lot of unconditional love (think of the power of a pure and loving mother) please do not be afraid to turn to them. if you can surrender to the emergence of a new self who operates on principles of loving kindness, and learn not to fall into the trap of attaching to physical pursuits and escaping the present moment, then you will find great victory. God bless you
In what ways has western influence made all new anime suck? I can count more series I like from the last 5 years than from the entire 20th century.
>more series I like from the last 5 years than from the entire 20th century

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...a butt! glare

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That's a very cute gurl blush. Source? love
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always check saucenao for anime screenshots, it's pretty good at finding them
Shoyonoido Mako-chan is what you're looking for.
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Maruko's butt love

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i've almost survived 24 hours awake! tell me something that will keep me awaek

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You probably have a myriad of these little guys on your face. ヽ(´∇`)ノ
Dimoclidium Rayanosium
I cast a spell. Whoever reads this will stay awake for 100 years.

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do you talk to yourself - as in having a conversation?

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>how can you be him when i am you?
and i am also you
you can't be me, I am you!
quiet, i am both of you.
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it is too chaotic to be considered a conversation but yeah foruda
there's only 3 options:
1- you are both of us
2- we both are you
3- someone else is all 3 of us

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Imagine if the entire internet was down for a week worldwide glare

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>Imagine if there was a virus that bricked every iOS and Android device. The average IQ of internet users would instantly jump from 80 to 95. Now imagine it also took out every Windows device. The average IQ would jump far into the triple digits, maybe even above 110! You could go to message boards, forums, and maybe even mainstream social media to find actual discussion instead of just mindless spam!
You make a very good point, why aren't we working hard to create this virus? This should be an actual effort
>Almost everyone has enough food and entertainment stocked up to last a week.
This is hardly true, Most people under 30 probably don't have very much entertainment stored physically on discs or on their own drives. They stream most tv shows, films and music and most the people that play video games will get bored of the same two or so singleplayer games that they downloaded on mistake after a about a day probably.
surely they have a few dusty books, DVDs, old video games, board games, card games or something laying around somewhere
Quite a lot (although probably a minority) of them probably don't at all. For those that do have something like that most probably don't have very much or even ways to use such things eg cds and dvds also for most of them these will be OLD things from upwards of ten years ago, if they want to see anything from the last few years they're basically fucked
some more ordinary people might have a couple DVDs or BDs
music would be rough these days for most people -- I download all my shit off of youtube to disk, but a lot of people just stream from there directly or use spotify, no one gets CDs anymore, few people buy MP3s/whatever, some people might have a handful of recently purchased records but not much at all

anything that phones home or is live service eats shit, and most people are pretty dependent on services for entertainment instead of straightforward products

honestly, I am absurdly well prepared for a no-internet entertainment desert
loads of stuff to play: fullsets for ROM-based systems, ISOs of my favorite games on disc, a bunch of actual discs and systems too
a fucking asston of youtube videos downloaded to disk, a bunch of anime, some movies (not as many as I should -- I mostly go to the theater to watch movies), my aforementioned big music library, etc
a few of my friends would be prepared too, but some would do much worse than others and finish everything in a month without trying

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bare witness ヽ(゚ρ゚)ノ

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I don't even know what board this is, and I'm not sure I care. closed-eyes
4 /int/
I guess it's a farely good GET, nowhere near as good as the 7777777 GET on 4 /h/

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What if instead of heyuri it was freak-yuri and instead of posting lolz we posted homo black men getting down

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Trump porn thread?
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You guys remember MAGA Momiji?
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But of course
>instead of posting lolz we posted homo black men getting down
That just sounds like half of most /b/ boards on shit imageboards nowadays lol

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a very snug hat happy

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I've been in conflict with this guy for a couple weeks, as soon as I find out where he lives I'm going to pay this drug addict I know to slash his tires and record him doing it for 300 dollars

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just slash the tires? What about raep? unsure
Why not give the druggie $300 worth of garlic, onions, molasses, laxatives and a lockpicking set, take his pants off and send him to blow a nuclear shit in the guy's living room while he's away? Bonus: druggie gets to keep anything valuable he finds in the house
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111837-san sounds experienced in this. OP you should hire him to take care of teh business smile

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Creepypasta: Joe is Dead.glare

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at this rate Jeb might end up being the new supreme leader
it was a dark night, thunder raging outside, the rain crashing onto the windows
"son" i hear, "it's time to go"
i turn around and address the entity "p-please leave me alone"
tears running down my cheeks, i could not contain the fear in my heart, "ohh dear me, come on, we haveaf aej naeuf"
the second i felt his touch my PENIS assploded... and i was no more

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This is Shauna Rae she is a legal loli /b/.

She is 25-years old but has the body of an 8-year-old girl.

Would you date her?


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You're thinking small-time OP. The real question is if it's possible to genetically engineer a supervirus that makes all girls stop aging at 8 and how to spread it as much as possible quickly before the loli haters with their silly alphabet agencies can stop you.
I dated a midget once. It did not end very well. Let's just say it was a short relationship.
For me at least, lolis are attractive more because they posess the innocent mind of a young girl than because of their bodies, there's nothing particularly special about loli bodies


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