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We will play DOOM this Saturday 18:00 UTC [Info] [Countdown]

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The 70s were cool, the 90s were cool. The 80s were corny and sleazy sweat3
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I agree. 80s style usually is just too much. It was better in Japan because they were kind of late on it so didn't get it all at once, but even a lot of 80s anime hair is too HUGE and TALL for me, design-wise.

I like 70s female fashion a lot. Although you usually get a better look at it in Japan from movies, you sometimes see it reflected in shoujo manga of the time.
>the right word is COOL, you NERD
there's lazers in teh 80s, so i liek 80s smile
Lasers are always portrayed as electricity with a different color, anyways sweat3
it's bombastic, it's got flair to it


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I don't know if it's always the same guy making those "while you were wasting your life on the internet" threads, but I'll join the fun. While you were wasting your life on the internet, I beat the campaign of Quake... on Normal sweat2.

Hard to say whether I preferred this or Doom/Doom II. Quake is a lot more slow-paced and eerie. Very good atmosphere to play in the middle of the night.

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Y'know, i'm aware of the reputation that precedes Id's shooters, i'm interested in the FPS genre and i'm jumping at the bit to have context before reading Masters of Doom, but my problem is the quantity of pioneer FPSs. Just going through the quintessential classics (in chronological order, because i'm autistic) would be: Wolfenstein 3D, Doom, Doom 2, Duke Nukem 3D, Quake, Quake 2 and Quake 3. What i wouldn't want to do is play them all in a row, however i don't know enough early PC games to go through in-between all that chain, so i'm kind of stuck on that front dark

>I think it used to be the same guy
Yeah, used to be just me nyaoo. I have every screenshot saved since Super Mario World, the first thread. I've thought about somehow identifying myself out of pure ego, but i respect too much the principle of anonimity. Plus, there are some tell-tale signs on my threads, so that should be enough
The thing that does worry me is the frequency. There are like 3 of these currently in the catalog sweat
>Wolfenstein 3D, Doom, Doom 2, Duke Nukem 3D, Quake, Quake 2 and Quake 3.
it's not actually that huge of an obstacle to go through all of them -- maybe like 2-3 weeks if you rush and are already good at FPS games, and you could knock them all out in a weekend if you were going nuts
the only bit of that that might be rough to get through is Wolf3D -- fun game, but Doom is genuinely something else compared to it
honestly, I can also say it's a lot harder than the rest too lol

Doom 1 and 2 aren't that long, neither is Q1
sit down and do one episode a day (or like, stop at each intermission screen in Doom 2) and that's a reasonable pace -- you could easily do each game in one go, but it's better to savor it a little (^Д^)
if you don't really play FPS games already you aren't doing that on UV in one day though lol, stick with HMP for a first playthrough

...I never did play Q2 on PC, and I didn't finish it on PS1 lol. Q3 is an arena shooter, although it does have a campaign with bots.
Play Duke 3D right before playing Q1. I personally think Duke is harder than the id games but maybe I'm just bad.

>The thing that does worry me is the frequency. There are like 3 of these currently in the catalog
the post expiration here on /b/ means it doesn't matter that much, the Shining in the Darkness thread is already Marked for Deletion lol
like, everything after page 4 basically might as well not be there

and really, if you're actually doing something cool like beating games, it's fine ヽ(´∇`)ノ
I didn't mean it for the length. What i'm trying to see is that if i start beating PC games i couldn't jump onto another system until i go through at least up to Quake 1. My intention would be to play a couple of games of other genres in-between each FPS as to not burn myself out. Also, in reality all of those were released within considerable time of each other and i take it there's something to gain by leaving some space between completing each, even if the timeframe is of weeks instead of months
you could probably look at Apogee and Epic's classic catalog for PC games people would have been into in the timeframe you were looking at
that would put you down a whole other rabbithole though of stuff to play
>on Normal

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there aren't many murderers as cute as nevada-tan ヽ(´∇`)ノ

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Oops, I meant a Nevada-Tan thread every month or so... But I wouldn't mind more lolis doing lulzy things! (⌒∇⌒ゞ)
nevada-tan legos!? astonish
i heard about her, she's out of jail by now though right? or was it a psych ward?
I don't think she was ever v&, maybe got few counselings
but i'm sure i read about a japanese judge sentence her to some sort of prison despite her age due to the severity of the crime

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konata is in disguise biggrin

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i would let her get away with murder
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Cartoon heroes - by Aqua!

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Chuunibyou are enlightened beings. The age of second year in middle school represents a state when the mind of a young person is in a state of extreme spiritual openness and begins opening up an awareness to higher realms of existence. Only the truly gifted can sustain their chuuni powers into adulthood.

Do you have any habits that allow you to sustain your spiritual gifts? Whenever there's a particularly impassioned and verbose villainous speech in a game, I tend to make this "claw" gesture and pretend I'm the one giving it. The first one I can remember doing this for was during all of Kerrigan's monologues in the original StarCraft and Brood War.

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I see myself as a vampire loli from Gensokyo
I see you as a faggot
i has magic nyaoo-closedeyes

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YouTube recommendations strike again rolleyes
Is anyone else getting ads inside their video player now? Fuck's up with that shit nagato

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xd which one of you is this?
>YouTube recommendations strike again
>Fuck's up with that shit
i already quitz youtube aeges and aegs ago... it sux

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at teh bottom of every glass...

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playing pachinko with puchiko always maeks the odds better! biggrin

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What's the deal with pachinko machines? Why do they make so much money? As far as i understand they're just slots machines but you earn toys instead of money
you can exchange items you won at the parlor (such as plastic prize chips) for cash in a separate (nearby) location

legally, it's basically
1: you get your prize from the pachinko parlor
2: you sell the prize for cash elsewhere
which gets around the legal restrictions on the shops just handing out prize money
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>legally, it's basically
>1 : you get your prize from the pachinko parlor
>2 : you sell the prize for cash elsewhere
>which gets around the legal restrictions on the shops just handing out prize money
tiem to gets rich off this biggrin
in teh butt...
Maybe he's playing pachinko to get out of there.

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not the best korea dark

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rikes! rits the headless spectre!

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My favorite episode is where they catch Neil Armstrong and turns out it was Stanley Kubrick all along nyaoo2

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I think I noticed the worst thing a man can notice in his life.
My hairline looks kind of different than I remember...

Should I commit suicide and die now with my hair or wait and die then as bald ojisan?

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GO BALD NAO biggrinbiggrinbiggrin
Your Agent 47-ification begins nao.
as someone who is 24 and shaving bald, i should have killed myself long time ago

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she's hackin Internetz, giving you cloudflare errors

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why do we continue to reply alone when there are only two of us in this thread? we can very easily post without the function of replying to the post number, unless all this is a macchiavellian way to make yourself believe that we are two different people when in reality i don't exist and i'm just a figment of your imagination because you have schizophrenia
The divine imageboard comedy, great job you two. dance
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schizophrenia is silly and preposterous, why would i waste my time wanting a 10/10 otaku fujoshi monmusu gamer wife gf if only i exist? hello, i am not stupid enough to make myself wait this long for god powers, thank you. if only i exist i command you to obey and make good posts! i wouldnt waste my time writing books about finding ultimate power just for it not to work!
solipsism not schizophrenia!
nice try lao zi, you fooled half asia but not me

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miyako-san tried 2 draw yuno ( ´ω`)

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BOKU no picu?
you? a faggot are
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opinion on kaguya?
she is a faggot?

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The NEET princess ヽ(´∇`)ノ
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smaller kagunyaa™, still as great! Nyaa~ xp
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kagunyaa-sama is kowai (;゚Д゚)
While we're at it, does anyone have the higher res version of this saved? Teh pic I attached is just a screenshot from the Mod-sama AMV, can't find the original anywhere.
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very faggot princess!
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