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We will play DOOM this Saturday 18:00 UTC [Info] [Countdown]

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Seppaku is for teh cutest girls nyaoo-closedeyes

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Woah, don't lose your head over it. cool
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Commit seppuku for you misspelling
I willn't cammit sappuku 4 mi masspelligs

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a wild hachikuji appeared ヽ(´ー`)ノ

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  Λ_Λ  \\
  ( ・∀・)   | | ガッ
 と    )    | |
   Y /ノ    人
    / )    <  >_Λ∩
  _/し' //. V`Д´)/112351
 (_フ彡        /
is that UMR in orange?
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  Λ_Λ  \\
  ( ・∀・)   | | ガッ
 と    )    | |
   Y /ノ    人
    / )    <  >_Λ∩
  _/し' //. V`Д´)/112369
 (_フ彡        /
omg hax
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Se, no...

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What is it, I'm too scared to clickΣ(゚д゚|||)
it's CP with a driveby 0day firmware frying rootkit embedded directly into the subframes of the png, don't click it or you're computer is toast kiddo
so why'd she get incinerated, anyway?
She got really hot under the collar. cool
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she walked right into the loli incinerator room

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what is ur favorite mario gmae

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64. Also I love Nokturnal Mortum.
The one where he jumps on things! biggrin
yoshi's island, it counts!

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Me on the right.
any1 found wally-san yet?
My eyes darted right to him the same second I opened the image. Am I magick?
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Let's all go to the robo-titty bar! Unfortunately the models are a little outdated and they haven't got the new, sexier ones in yet...

Found him in under a minute btw... not sure why these felt so much harder as a kid.

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where does the pen0r go?

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I claim her mouth. I will have to spend all my time a Sakura-away from 112413-san in her manko, but it would be worth it!
Are we building a weapon to defeat human centipede here?
>Are we building a weapon to defeat human centipede here?
a human centipede sounds liek fun biggrin
Wherever the fuck it wants, bitch. biggrin
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i'm imaegining that a rice field has a lot of rice (´ー`)

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no way, I don't believe it.
>I don't believe it.
you bettar belibe it!
I habeeb it!

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I will change the entire world in any way you desire. All I require is 1 of your best loli.

Present your wish (and your loli).

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World peace and LOLs for all!
An end to lulzkillerz. LULZ FOR ALL, ESPECIALLY ME
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Require all males to wear a PENIS gourd in public and ban all other male clothing
OP-san... are you kami-sama?
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What about futanaris? drool

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My clock says it's wednesday. Where would i go about contacting Mr. Wednes? i have a present for him happy

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Suck my dick, and maybe I'll tell you. biggrin

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roses haev a very pleasant smell. I wonder what they taste liek ( ´ω`)

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there is a rose petal jam! it is very tasty nyaoo-closedeyes
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The sweet aroma of PENIS is even more pleasant

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u r winnar!! biggrin

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u mispeld l00ser emo
>u mispeld l00ser
my spelling is better enjoy my sage
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wow! I've never had teh winnars before
...what happens now?
>...what happens now?
were you expecting something ero? pervert! You actually gets a chocolate bar nyaoo-closedeyes

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old man says this is my next target, wish me luck!

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She's quite a fighter! We'll need a whole team of Rapemen to punish those insolent sailor soldiers (sexually).
>We'll need a whole team of Rapemen to punish those insolent sailor soldiers (sexually).
upon thread 112347 i found TEAM RAPEMAN, teh elite squad of RAEPMEN biggrin

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This little bastard is too crafty. It makes me feels like I'm actually trying to capture a rabbit in real life.

Also what is your favorite Mario game Heyurizens? 64 is still mine.

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SM64DS, and it has a lot more rabbits
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The original biggrin
the only super mario game i played was 64, it was when i started getting into retro games and i was surprised to see that it had quite the amount of content "for an old game"
why did your thread get plenty of replies but mine didn't? fuck you
What thread was it? I'll help you out.

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mai bloodline will be plentiful smile

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i bought you some cup ramen! ヽ(´∇`)ノ

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Cup nuddles are too hot for summer do you have ice cream instead?
>do you have ice cream instead?
i was going to save it for myself... but i suppose you can haev some

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