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I'll start:
I spend an entirely unreasonable amount of time thinking about Len and Rin... they're both super cute and being singing software, I can listen to their cute voices in song...

it used to be pretty bad like 10 years ago, that was the peak of my obsession, it was a little unhealthy (´人`)

I will probably never stop thinking about them... (*´¬`*)

len is just as cute as rin...
and rin is so goddamn cute...
thinking about them feels good... (*´人`*)
my head is fuzzy right now (⌒∇⌒ゞ)
I had something else to say but I'd much rather keep thinking about how cute they are...

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>old-man attitude
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>it took until gen 9 for them to forget how to make cute girls
Oh sure, gen 8 (and before) girls look great... as long as you gouge your eyes out before looking at them dark Let's not forget Sword and Shield gave us an absoulte eyesore that is Klara
I'd never heard of that chick since she's from the dlc. Apparently her whole character is that she's a cunt from reading up on her too. ┐(゚~゚)┌
and damn, she is ugly lol

picked the bottom of the barrel (・∀・)

we are all old men here
but some old men are crustier than others (^Д^)
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I think about Max Cady, in fact, i take him as a good example.
Unlike similars sociopaths, like Bateman from American Psycho, Cady actually fits into concepts like Plato's philosopher-king. If he had forgiven his lawyer for hiding evidence (Which he only finds out after teaching himself how to read and then studying law) he could've had the world in his hands. The same doesn't happen with Bateman. If you take away his obsession with social status he is nothing shii

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ph34r invisible

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keyboards are too complicated... there's a shit ton of buttons and all in different places!

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you should know where the buttons are already

but I do regularly imagine what a simpler keyboard would look like

something with less than 20 keys even, since you could totally do things in software to make typing easy
I feel like you could easily use an IME with a 12 key keyboard and do damn near everything you'd ever want.

5 keys for each hand for general input, and then a key where tab is and a key where enter is
wouldn't really guess anything, you'd be able to get specific keypresses consistently, even if you had to press more than one key to do one keypress
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I don't. english layout sucks ass dark
learn a layout then
or just sulk lol ヽ(゚ρ゚)ノ

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Does Heyuri like graffiti?

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sometimes i wonder what normal is dizzy
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QR code stickers linking to the lolikon board could werk biggrin
Graffiti is trashy and narcissistic
in general i dislike taggers, but some are EvERYwhere, and thus kinda fun to spot them.
to get to the bus station, i sometimes have to walk along the train tracks, so i get to see some of the tags people put on there. it's pretty cool

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wutz fun about baseBALLz? u gay?

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>wutz fun about baseBALLz? u gay?
good picture but bad thread
gotta hit the balls away from you before they touch, that's not gay at all (^Д^)

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nevar get dizzy from spinning! biggrin

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Is he a good person?

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Literally whom?

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It's time for Heyurians to rise up and take up arms against our cruel overseers

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Looks like Comic LO may end soon /b/ros.


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>colorful exciting mass-produced AI-generated
You weren't bullied enough in school closed-eyes2
I'm literally going to your house to rape your family smile
well i cant know things i dont know, i think socrates said something along those lines...
I'd support it if I could, but all I can really do if buy from third parties. Anyways, I have enough editions and cover artbooks

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powar of teh imagination nyaoo-closedeyes

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Imagination is a wonderful thing
this is not teh powar i was expecting

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I like this 2hu image by nishiata, but what book is hina holding?

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featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry series

(pin meaning ピン, clearly a short form of PENIS, which is what she is dreaming about).
lol! PENIS!
Holding the world up by it's PENIS
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Rye waz here

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I think so....
im gonna explode rye bread, begone rye!!>>112267

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onii-chan what is this place? and why are those two naked together? what are they doing? tasukete...!

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Relax, it will all be over soon. biggrin
>Relax, it will all be over soon.
j00 gonaa murder me!?
she would never call kyon onii-chan

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How's your wife, Jerry?
She made a bundt cake the other day, it was good.
nice weather, huh (゚ー`)
Yes, very average weather
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Sex with mii-tan x3

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you should use a kitty litter in ur room instead of piss bottles because...

- doesn't leave much smell
- absorbs teh piss effectively
- you can taek a shitto and bury it

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very cute! biggrin
you think that's cute? you haven't seen anything yet...
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Behold! pretty kawaii, don't you think?

That PENIS should be sucked by a kid hard.
no way man my PENIS is for man-on-man intercourse and penile lightsaber duels only

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