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  • 日本のへゆり

  • 2024/09/12 - NEW GAME: Battle Royale R! Make characters and see if they can win the Heyuri Cup!
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  • 2024/06/11 - Overboard@Heyuri is back after 4 years
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We will play DOOM this Saturday 18:00 UTC [Info] [Countdown]

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spam-kun will post your babies here...
>spam-kun will post your babies here...
i better see some of the money makes off of them or else i'm basically getting scammed!!

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I'm feeling lucky drool

...and with a severed rabbit's foot it grants you good luck, so maybe kagami's severed foot will also give me moar luck

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cut it off! cut it off!!!
>cut it off! cut it off!!!
Alright. *raises hack saw* stay still now kagamin~!
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that's a big slice! i hoep she enjoys it nyaoo-closedeyes

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She wouldn't eat it because it isn't cheese... unless it's cheesecake
caek~ biggrin
om nom nom

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tissue bin = full

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my little fapper: dick is magic

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loli guro game: NayoRiyo

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i haev actually played this 1 it's pretty cool and the scenes are hot... maybe i'll upload scenes later to /l/

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hold on! glare

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I expected it to be much more painful to join everything, but dragging in one GIF file onto the other in GIMP just worked. ヽ(´∇`)ノ

the complete saga, to the moon and beyond!
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WIN this is really nice
Good job.

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SWF Embed

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(´~`) It's too sad
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SWF Embed

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you should adopt this neko from the pet store! She even plays guitar!

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Yeah, the ELECTRIC guitar. I'm fine playing my shamisen.
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What about a sitar?
>What about a sitar?
I would but it's too big and nobody can be as cool as George

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I want to play a game, mochiusa... for if a user chooses to bump your body to the top, this machetay will permanently cut off your legs... they can choose to have you stay below and have your legs perfectly intact, but not staying on the front page for more than a few minutes, or...

The choice is yours.

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Saw? More like saw her underwear amirite? biggrin

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it is white tiem

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i will sex the lilith
no one can stop me
testing. you are a nigger
only 1337 css hackers can read this, now we can break all the rules and mods will never know
>we can even abuse greentext as long as the greentext is white!
OH FUCK the green overrode the white now i'm b&


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When the hell is Heyuri Cytube?
I want to catch more of the streams but the first time I caught one it said they were monthly, and I checked every week for 2 months and there was no stream so I left drool

Now There have been 2 since then

Besides just hoping to find a post mentioning the stream will happen to happen that random week is there a way to know when to expect anime streams?

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Thanks anon! ヽ(´ ∀`)ノ
Okay noted, I will expect missed months but check each month just in case
>but since the last townhall (May 2024) it's been monthly
Awesome I hope that continues, I had a lot of fun on Manabi Straight
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I can't find any good anime that fucking delivers. I found this but after I watched 2 episodes it didn't feel special to me. maybe I'm expecting too much from animes unsure
I like Magipoka. It isn't the most special thing, it's just a solid, fun show with a decent amount of fan service, and that's all it needs to be.
>that foot
It is funny the evolution of foot fetish becoming a thing, that closeup was drawn as a stump with an extra toe where as a fanservice anime now would draw the feet in extreme detail with each toe and toenail carefully drawn

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maybe we can watch only the futa episode right after a certain anime stream

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would you let her put her tendrils in your urethra? drool
>would you let her put her tendrils in your urethra?
only if she puts all of them in at once!
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counter-robo warfare!

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is heyuri still playing world of warcraft unsure

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(^I forgot to set my screen res to 768p...)
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it was a very nice warm bath nyaoo-closedeyes
no i only played a single day
i want to play ragna/v/ when it comes out in a few weeks

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am i supposed to memorize all this??

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Also I'm still not sure what's "yu u"... Probably unique to that word
dont forget about at least the commonly found nanori smile
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how many counters for long cylindrical things do you have in your home?
PENIS is a cylindrical object and, hopefully, a long one. Can I use this counter to count PENISes? unsure
we dont have a frame of reference, that kanji could consider a 10mm cylinder "big", or maybe it considers a 1164 astronomic units long cylinder "big"
we just dont know

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Is grandia a good gaem?

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also jrpg thread I guess
Never played Grandia 1. I was enjoying Grandia 2 a decent bit if not super impressed with it, at least until my Dreamcast laser started dying and I started having read issues with everything... ( ´,_ゝ`)
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i started playing disgea 1 & rly like it! nyaoo-closedeyes

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