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cute!!!! ヽ(´∇`)ノ

why must you see to violate that which is good? ( ´,_ゝ`)
To me raep seems like an improvement!biggrinbiggrinbiggrin
>but does loli liek raep?
hypothetically if someone brutally raped a woman without getting any verbal consent from her but after the rapist gets caught and goes to court, the woman testifies and she says something like "i actually thought it felt pretty good, it was a pleasant week off work! he really knew what he was doing, i wouldve told him if i could"

its 100% that she is entirely serious about this and this isnt "coping with hard trauma" or whatever other retarded psychobabble bullshit, she absolutely means she loved it. what even happens then? if the whole thing morally is not causing harm sexually to another person, the rapist did not do that, so theres no immorality. do people start shaming the 'victim?' how would the world react to that? whats the ethics behind it?

The problem is that the rapist didn't not know for sure that would happen. It's like if you try to murder someone with a gun but miss and your bullet happens to hit a serial killer about to skin someone alive, you will still go to jail, since you did not know that would happen.
well they wouldnt be in court if the woman liked it, no?

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If you think about it, boobs are everywhere. Half of the humanity walks around with them attached to their chests. If you go outside, the chances of coming within a meter of a pair of boobs are almost certain. Despite this, men live dreaming of touching them, and for some, it's an impossible dream.

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From an objective point of view, touching boobs is a very simple act. Women don't lose anything from anyone touching their boobs, just as men doesn't lose anyone from touching their PENIS. However, though some men would let any stranger touch their cocks, a woman is way less likely to let a random stranger touch their boobs

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which kondratief cycle stage are we in?

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Recessed harder than my dick in winter while standing outside naked. biggrin
every time I hear "the economy is doing well" I am reminded that I am being lied to sweat3

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Do you guys like alternative history?

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I like one specific map where USA is twice as big and there are new states among the real states with random names but I can't find it.
I also like these flat Earth with an ice wall maps where there are lands beyond the ice wall. I think it would be a cool concept for a fantasy book or anime or something.
So that's where ISIS went...
i like imagining that the other earthlings have parallels to us
for exampls the people living between the ice wall and mountain ring believe earth is a cylinder while their conspiracy theorists try to convince everyone that its actually flat
I liek reading scenarios posted on alternatehistory.com from time to time. There's a few interesting ones that get reposted: America devolving into political violence à la The Troubles or Years of Lead, Japan joining CP(heh) in WW1, the Soviet Union surviving in Central Asia and so on...

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i'mma firin mah P000000000000PEEEER!!!!!

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falling asleep first at teh party is a bad idea... nyaoo2

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How else will you get surprise buttsecks!?

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Wash yo ass, Heyuri!

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will she wash it for me? nyaoo2
she doesn't scrub teh foam...
>she doesn't scrub teh foam...
her butt's gonna be dirty cry
She missed a spot, didn't wash that mosaic off. Pesky thing. glare2
>her butt's gonna be dirty
Moreso because she didn't even spread her cheeks to get her nasty butth0le
Not that I'm complaining, but if you're clean at all, do it right!!! angry

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lolis are now in stock at teh nearest local store

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i often dream of having a daughter, caring for her and teaching her good values, i think this stems from my hatred of the way parents do parenting nowadays (see: letting phones do the parenting)
i've seen good kids get changed by phones, there was this kid who used to visit us with his parents and he used to be very playful, always interested in new things (i admit it was to the point of being annoying at times), now he just sits there and occasionally shows me a youtube video he finds funny and god forbid his phone dies

sorry for going a bit offtopic ヽ(´ー`)ノ
cute loli btw, got this image from strange worlds
thats a quality post, if it is a derail then i am fine with it (⌒∇⌒ゞ)

i also daydream about having cute family and making them all very happy. i would read all the books on parenting and give the kids all the time.

but it is easy to say... (゚ー゚)
>it is easy to say
yeah, thats true
in my dreams its just me and my daughter too, i just cant picture myself being with a woman due to the way i am
the most recurring dream is someone abandons her on my front door and so i adopt her ヽ(´ー`)ノ
I also fantasize about a family with a cute daughter. I am scared about having a family someday and having a son, because I know I would be disappointed and that's not fair to him.
i've been told many times (mostly by my mom) that once your child is born something changes inside the parents, chances are those fears of disappointment will fade away as soon as you hold your son for the first time

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Confess to things you did as a cooking n00b! Or really bad, reckless, and funny things in general regarding cooking!

-I whisk matcha with a toothbrush I later use for brushing teeth to this day.
-I attempted getting drunk from hon mirin but almost puked.
-I used to chew on used teabags. They were already not that strong and wet, perfect until you rip it with your tooth and it becomes a mess.
-I still can't use a microwave and get anxious because I would make a retard of myself in case of dealing with it in front of anyone or being tasked to warm something by someone.
-I used to boil spaghetti in a tiny vessel. I realized it is the reason it gets sticky almost 2 years later, no more scrubbing till my hand melts at last.
-I fried cutlets in an electric toaster. Oil was everywhere when I returned.
-I tried leaving the remaining food in fridge for later. The bowl was big enough that when I closed it, it just broke from the impact of the door of the fridge and spilled everything.
-I use one hitter glass pot pipes for a straw because plastic straws are banned in Europe.
-I left eggs boiling, it was evening. I went fapping while they boil and decided to get drunk because why not. When I got drunk I decided to smoke pot. I lost track of time and reality. Next morning my flatmates tell me to clean the puke I left through the corridor and the bathroom, they first thought it was blood because of color and being sticky like blood, but in fact it was dark underdigested mochi! And they told me that I was an absolute fucking retard having had forgotten that the eggs were on fire the entire night. I only realized what had happened the following day. Landlord was not informed as far as I know.

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( ´,_ゝ`)
Use a gas stove
It's for like environmental protections or some shit
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Hey i also used to chew on used teabags until they rip and spill everything sweat2
I can't think of any fails but i remember that i used to cook rice, put some on a plate, cover it with cheese, microwave it and eat it as a shitty meal.
It sounds horrible but i liked it a long time ago.
>i used to cook rice, put some on a plate, cover it with cheese, microwave it and eat it as a shitty meal
I just did that with ramen a few hours ago and it was delicious. It's just like mac 'n' cheese.

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nobeta figure ヽ(´∇`)ノ

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but where's her navel?? Σ(゚д゚|||)
Blonde... but not blue eyed. What a waste dark
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Blonde and purple eyes is Superior
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>Blonde and purple eyes
its kewl ヽ(´∇`)ノ
Is this a normal pose that girls make when they're petting a cat?

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I still haven't seen a single horror movie better than it.

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It's one of these movies that feels different from all other movies, like a spiritual experience. It’s like after you see it you are a slightly different person. Same with "Scarface" from the 80s, at least for me. There's nothing quite like it
it's a near-masterpiece, but I never understood why there was a man in a bear costume giving another dude a blowjob
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It's a work of brilliance, for sure. Though Barry Lyndon was always my favorite by Kubez. It drew me in from this opening scene with epic cleavage!! (and gorgeous, painterly cinematography)
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You're joking

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i crave sugar.. but need to be strong..

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my tummy hurts sad my tummy haets gluten sweat
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Too late...
but do you feel HIGH?
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I too am trying to lose weight. We have to listen to cute little girl music and look at pictures of cute little girls instead. They are sweeter than any sugar and will allow us to sublimate our urges into another form of stimulation!
just eat aspartame and stevia instead

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Good evening, i am here to inform you that my next target... is YOU!!

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Please be gentle wink
>Please be gentle
noted... kuma6

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Probably nobody cares, but I'm starting a no fap challenge for one week. I'll write daily reports here. I will not watch any ero content nor 2d or 3d.

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OP here, Day 3 fail (wet dream) cry
>wet dream
I meant, you didn't exactly fap, so unless you also go for "sperm retention", or whatever they call it, I think your streak is still on. Go ahead anon, we believe in you! smile
wet dreams dont count!!!
OP here, I decided to start over.
this happened to me by accident while i was working the fields this june.

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Name this book, fellow heyurians

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Understanding Kokonotsuba
Groundwork for the Theory of the Lulz
The Essential Gruffalo
book of kagunyaa~ search of teh holy fluff, pt2 - loli neko´s revenge

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