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  • 日本のへゆり

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We will play DOOM this Saturday 18:00 UTC [Info] [Countdown]

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Loli used: gas attack!

It's super effective. dizzy dark

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someone needs to teach her good table manners
She's not at the table though closed-eyes
>She's not at the table though
she will be wink soon
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Did somebody say fart?!

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post your creative projects, heyuri. here, i drew a fish.

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I hope you're not using ren'py
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Thanks biggrin It was posted in teh "when was the last time you touched your PENIS Nintendo DS" thread.

Resistive touchscreens are hard to deal with =___=
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Look at this drawing I invented
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Ayamari, the bunny from Super Mario /v/orld: New Vegas, is carrying a giant ass controller for unknown reason. saitama

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Would you date a yandere /b/?

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it's not like I would have a choice but yes I would
yandares only seem good fantasy wise, if you think about it real well on how itd translate to reality, your life would be really miserable
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Same thing with dark skinned girls. Fantasy of them is nice, but the real life mocha girls really aren't that great, trust me dark
there are cute brown girls out there
but the pool of them that is actually pleasant to be around is dramatically smaller

and have fun looking if you want someone who is actually dark cry

Buti want Yuka Takaoka to stab me too.

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Do you like burumā /b/?

I wish Japan would revive them.

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I have heard some girls didn't wear underwear under their bloomers. love
why is there an oven behind her?
is she going to be cooked? (;゚Д゚)

Yes, i am a cannibal lolicon waahh hhaaaaaa. xp
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they are just panties V2 drool

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HEYURI NEWS: People all around the United Kingdom have been rioting for the past 7 days due to the recent Cod shortage caused by the fallout of the subprime mortgage crisis. Clashes with police have sparked concern as fish prices rise.

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World famous meat company Boar's Head meat infested with AIDS! 1000s hospitalized and died!
I don't care go back to /pol/ op/
Israel vs. Palestine war update: The day after Palestinians voted to legalize gay marriage and sodomy they realized they have a lot in common with Israelis and decided not to fight anymore.
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Hah! Serves those damned vegetarians right!

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On a scale of 0 to 100, how gay would it be to fuck Ranma while she is in her female form?

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Refer to >>113317
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Maybe a 7 but I would still do it.
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A hole's a hole. biggrin

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It is a special kind of darkness that consumes your soul, madame. In it I see the seeds of greater things.

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>In it I see the seeds of greater things
w-what do you mean!? huh
'tis only a matter of time, yet it is also down to you, and to you alone!
>'tis only a matter of time , yet it is also down to you, and to you alone!
wakariyasukunai! imi ga fukai!
Studio CLAMP more like studio menstrual CRAMP amirite? biggrin

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zOMG!!!!!!!!!!!11! glare

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sugar absorbtion through the ears direct into the brain.

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We should play this at the next watch party.(´人`)

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I say we take this one step further; shitty 2000s dog movie night. ヽ(´ー`)ノ

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i did one of those unboxing things from japan that heyuri usaly dose. some images are to hot for nashi

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>lolicon magz isn't legal.

I'm lucky to live in a country where lolicon manga is legal.
that is a really really good point... i didn't even think about that when ordering this. i live in the worst state for owning this stuff too..

Sucks that all of the countries with no age of consent are Muslim shitholes. (;´Д`)
you guys should come to brazil, lolicon is legal here
Brazil seems like it'd be a nice place to live if it wasn't run by morons.

admittedly, this is most places in the world
but Brazil constantly seems like it should be as much of a big deal as the US and it keeps fumbling shit

either way, loli is legal in the US, even if it is literally on the knife's edge of legality
so I don't need to move

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portable TV antenna nyaoo-closedeyes

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Does it have WIFI? TV is for old people nowadays desu.
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>TV is for old people nowadays desu.
TV-san is neglected sad

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Osaka and Guu would make good friends.

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Replace one word out of a movie's title with PENIS
I'll start
Monty Python and the Holy PENIS

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All PENIS On The Western Front
Cloudy with a Chance of PENIS
A Nightmare on PENIS Street
Monster PENIS
or (PENIS House)

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who is this nigra?
well, he's not my dad.

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